
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Wednesday, I am off a day ....

     Hey, today is Wednesday if any of you don't know.  I thought I would inform you as Monday was a Holiday and your week may need a jog in it's thinking.  That thinking could be  an alarm going off as in, "Oh crap I have lost a day and I am so behind", or like me , "Oh great it is one day closer to Saturday"  when I sit on me butt and do what me wants.   Yeah because butt sitting is an Olympic Sport at least for Hubs :)

     Mom is up doing laundry this morning although a little more sore today, so I don't really know what makes that woman tick.  I picked her up at Lil sis's after class and then brought her dinner downstairs.  She is having trouble climbing stairs since her spill.  I asked her where she wanted to eat, in her bedroom chair, the family room or sitting up in bed?  She told me to put her tray by her bedroom chair.  When I went to pick up her plate she was asleep and had not touched her food.  I just can't second guess her.

     I did not do much sewing yesterday as I spent time getting mother bathed and her room cleaned up and organized a little.  So today I have to get my butt in gear.  You know the butt that had Monday off and liked it.  The butt that has one less day to produce this week and loves that concept.

     By the way I made another almost 200.00 pay down on my Quick lock loan so It is just above $1200.00 I am hoping I can get it gone(don't you love my grammatical skills?) before the end of next month, which for those of you who lost a day this week starts TOMORROW.

     So I mean Sew I had better get me arse in me shop and produce if I want to be able to kick that Quicklock loan to the curb.

Have a a great and productive day.


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tuesday, well I tried

     I tried to have a nice Holiday weekend and for the most part it was.  We accomplished what we wanted with a few adventures flung in at the end.  You never know what life is going to toss at you.

     I felt pretty good Thursday after two nights of fever and chills, maybe a slight cold but nothing that slowed me down.  It was my first evening without dance that week so I tried to make the best of it.  I sewed what I needed to and then detailed all three cars and Hubs took them down to wash.  Cleaning cars is like making piecrusts, messy and work so why not get it over with as in make 8 crusts and get all cars done.  The crap is all out so do it.  I swear Hubs pick-up had not been deep cleaned since we bought it.  I had hubs go down and buy new seat covers and mats for my Forester.  It looks great almost new.

     We packed to go and left at about 9 the next morning.  I was feeling fine.  We were about 11 miles out of town and Hubs realized he had forgotten his hearing aids so we turned around, out of town by about 10.  I slept most of the way and only drove that last hour.  Mom and dad were excited to see us.  We had a few hours of tension as D#1 was on call and she had a bad murder so could not leave town and was tied up at the police station until 2 in the morning with search warrant mess. Finally got home and was able to get out the next morning.  It was fun to see the boys.  The baby is walking and huge!  Reminds me of baby Huey, big and still a baby.  We took mom and dad and mom's sister and her husband in our two cars.  Mom's sisters husband has really bad dementia and can't talk any more.

     The party was wonderful.  Each of the 9 living children gave a tribute to there parents.  It was heart warming to see such a large and incredible family all together.  Great to see cousins we had not seen in years.  While at the party I got a text from Lil sis that mom was in the hospital.  Great!  She had passed out and they could not revive her so she was taken by ambulance and they were waiting to see a doctor at the hospital.  Later she called to say she was taking mom home.  Too much sun and she had a slight concussion.

     Sunday we had planned on having a nice dinner with mom and dad and aunt and uncle and we did but mom got on my last nerve that morning and I told Hub's I wanted to get home that night.  We had planned on taking the 4 oldies out to the Wieser Cemetery for the day.  Daughter and boys were leaving and I just could not handle one more morning of mom's stress about what I eat or don't eat.  Usually I can handle these things well but I was just so... SO....I don't know.

     So we informed the parents and they were disappointed but understood with mom's fall.  On the way home I developed a very sore throat and my ear started to hurt like hell.  Up and down three mountain passes did not help.  So miserable and sick after 5 hours of driving.  Stopped to check on mom.  She was in bed and weak, so I stayed with her until she fell asleep and told Sis I would come get her in the morning but I would need to go to the doc in the box. We then got to spend about an hour with our other grandson, who is also walking and much more lively that his cousin.  Both are so much fun.  I had a miserable night and was at the clinic the next morning.  Had an ear infection as eustation tube was blocked and bacteria had built up behind ear drum, infection was spreading.  Also sinuses were packed so I am on an  antibiotic which I was not able to get until about 3 in the afternoon.  I picked up mom and took her home to bed.  Made her a jumbo shrimp salad and corn on the cob.  Also knocked together a lemon meringue pie with the last of the California lemons.  All while I was getting sicker and sicker.

     Finally went for antibiotic told Hub's not to walk so fast in the store, He whipped his head around and said "I am taking you home!"  I never tell anyone especially him to slow down I am always racing way ahead.

     So mom and I lazed around the rest of the evening.  I could not sleep again, and after 2 doses of antibiotic my sinuses are draining like crazy.  So quite a backed up infection brewing.  It even went to my hip bone on my left side and I am limping but much better today.  Mom is better today also.  I think we are on the mend.

     I need to shower the mother and make her some breakfast, then I have to patch pants today before I go to teach one on my final classes.

Have a great and productive day.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thursday, looking forward

     Well I think this is going to just be a very nasty cold.  I was still running a fever again last night but I can bring it down and function with aspirin and meds.  I believe Hub's is getting the same cold. Great this means we are going down to his 90 yer old parents house to meet our daughter and the grand sons with a boat load of germs.  We can also spread it to all of our extended family at the 50th wedding party we are going to for Hub's Aunt.  There will likely be about 300 relatives there I am sure we can get this thing all over the US if we try.  We might have to stay home.  I have to screw up my face to swallow and I am so pretty.

     I have three Wedding dresses still hanging here pressed and waiting and likely they won't be picked up until next week.  I have "The pile ",which I will work on.  Then I am going to deep clean our cars and moms and pack and rest and see if the budget will allow me to make any payment toward my Quick Loan, but I doubt there is much there.  We will see.  Now next week will be a different story.  Happy thoughts.

 as I say to my students , "and off we go"

Have a great and productive day and a wonderful memorial day weekend.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wednesday, down for the count

     Taught dance last night and really had no energy.  Came home with a fever of 101.5.  Maybe that was the reason.  I felt streppy.  But this morning I feel like maybe a cold.  We will see how the day progresses.  I have to go into the studio tonight at 4:30 it is only for two classes and I hope I can get there and not disappoint the owner.  I am trying to finish up the solo dances.  But teenagers can out so little effort until right before the show.  Little demons.

     So I am going to get into the shop and get the piles done asap, that way if I need to lay down later I can.  Also have a wedding dress to Steam as the steamer was returned.

     trying to convince myself this day is worth it:)

Have a great and productive day.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Tuesday, MEN!

     This is the text I get from Hub's last night as I am on the way home from rehearsal. 

" I am on my way to night clinic, Kim. this is serious, I cannot see out of my left eye."  So instead of running a few errands and the fact that I had a bridesmaid due in at 7:30 I hurry and call his phone no answer, so I call sister to go to house and meet bridesmaid and I drive like a bat out of hell to clinic.  It is closing and no sign of hub's truck.  My phone rings it is hub's.  He is home and has pink eye.....  I told him he was going to have a black eye when I get there.  Scaring me like that. I get home he is on sofa and I need to go pick up his prescriptions.  I stayed away from oozy the rest of the night.  I think it was the "this is serious " part that got me.  Men!

     I have three bride dresses ready for try on.  My steamer is supposed to be returned this morning and the sprinkler guys are coming.  I need to redirect some of my sprinkler heads to hit new flower beds.  So I will be out giving direction.  Happy this is being done before we leave for the weekend.  As we are hand watering and that is a pain for such a large place.

     So hub's called and cancelled his usual schedule.  He can't go to the veterans home and read and he can't go to the high school until he is clear.  Which means he is home driving me nuts.  Great stay away from me. I am such a good wife.  So supportive and loving.

     This is my last long teaching day.  I will only be meeting with the older dancers for two hours on Tuesday for the next two weeks after this, then the recital and I am done.

     The weather is beautiful and the sun is so warm.  I am loving it, just wish I could sit out and enjoy it more.

Have a great and productive day.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Monday Saving Madness!

     Before I get into my week of savings, I wanted you all to know that I made another $575.00 payment to the loan that is next in my pay off schedule.  So I am down to $1444,44.   Yippee!  I am going to take that sucker down and soon.

     I really have not cooked but once a week this last week just too busy and this week will be the same.   Family has been fending for itself.  But they fended nicely with foods purchased last week.

1. all meals were eaten at home or at Sister's
2. Shop supplies purchased at Joanns with 50% off coupons
3.  Purchased a shopping trip and paid nothing for $45.16 worth of groceries all Albertsons coupons
4.  Had 76% saving at Albertsons with partial off coupons.
5.  Purchased all marigolds for garden at 1/2 price and I will make those suckers grow.
6.  Transplanted hostas after I split them for new front yard bed.
7.  Purchased hair dye with coupons and touched up roots myself
8.  Found a pogo stick for oldest grandson.  It was $36.00 down to 6.00 at K-mart
9.  Cooked a fabulous dinner yesterday with almost all free items

Stuffed shells and manicotti

shells *
manicotti  *
2 lbs shredded mozzarella *
2 quarts home canned tomatoes *
2 lbs cottage cheese *
2 lbs burger pd $1.50 lb with coupon
2 onions *
garlic *
4 cans tomato sauce

salad bagged *
cheese *

French bread

All items * were free items from Albertsons game.  I even wrapped left overs in tin foil that was free. 

I tried to specifically make this with just free items.  It made to very large loaves of homemade french bread, two large pans of manicotti (we froze) and a we ate and packed up 1/2 the stuffed shells.  Lil sis took home enough for her lunches this week.  We have plenty of left overs.  And it was all delicious.

So what have you guys done to save money or make it stretch?  It looks like I will have an extra 400.00 in my budget at the end of the month to put on my Quick loan.  It helps to be frugal and stay out of stores.  Use what you have.

Have a great and productive day!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Friday, gorgeous weather

My oh my yesterday was beautiful.  I did not stay in the shop although  I should have.  I will stay in today at least until I have several things done.

I was able to play in the yard.  I call it playing now but later in the summer when it is 100 degrees it might not be so fun.  Oh 100 degrees will it ever happen?

I laid 12 bags of bark, planted 12 hosta transplants, then wave petunias and mari golds.  We need to get more mari golds.  I thought I had purchased enough but I had not.  Our sprinkler system is not turned on yet as it has been such a wet fall and the company is behind.  So then I had to hand water every thing I planted.  I also hoed the garden and cleaned up many bags of mess.  I still have one bag to take down to the curb.  I just ran out of energy.

Hubs and I walked the bridges last night and it was so great.  The honey suckle is in bloom and smelled so sweet.  The baby ducklings are out with their parents and are cuter than ever.  There is always one that is way ahead of the group and then realizes it and practically runs on top of the water to get back to mom.  Dad is always out in the distance herding the lot.

Hubs just came to me to have a button sewed on a shirt.  The nerve does he think I can do that?

I will be making another large smack at my Quick lock loan this weekend so stay tuned.

Tomorrow is an all day rehearsal.  Blah.....

Have a great and productive day!


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Thursday, The sun is shining

     It is very chilly but the sun is shining.  I am going to get done what  have to and then work in the yard.  It has to warm up a little.  I want to get the rest of the bark laid and plant what transplants I have laid out.  We bought a new gas trimmer but I fear it is too heavy for me.  I will try it again as I hate the way hub's trims.  The garden needs to be hoed but it is too wet and muddy right now.  Things need to dry out a bit and they never get a chance with this incessant rain.

     Although the shop is super full and I could sew like a mad woman I just need a break.  So I will steam the one dress that needs to go out today and then see where that takes me.  I hope it takes me outside:)

     Went to Albertson's last night to get all my free stuff.  Over 40.00 in groceries all things that I will use.  They also have whole chickens for .69 a lb and I need to stock up.  Will do that maybe tonight.

     There are donuts upstairs ( free at Albertsons) and they are calling my name....

Have a great and productive day!


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Wednesday, Interruptions make life......

     Yesterday was crazy and non productive, mostly due to interruptions and my ability to stay focused while being interrupted.   So today I really need to get busy. 

     Mom decided to make banana bread for some friends and so I made sure to put out all of her ingredients.   As I was doing this I went to set the stove and looked at it and I noticed tomato soup had spilled all down the front.  Thanks mom, mom does not see well enough to clean anything thoroughly, so I went to wipe it down and it was between the two glass fronts.  I was furious.  Here I have this beautiful brand new to me kitchen and mom has already done so much damage to it with her sloppiness.  Hub's came in and took the front apart and I had to wedge my hand down in side but I did get it cleaned out and also cut myself on the glass edge. I know I am being bitchy, but this is a constant dilemma and I just can't keep up.  Just let me whine and be ungrateful for a minute.  Okay over that.

     We did not have any margarine so I ran to the store for that and back.  Mom needed me to put bread in oven, then go check on it three times, and take it out.  So running up and down the stairs every ten minutes.  I did take the time to set out hostas to transplant in the front and then it started to rain. So they are still in pots in their places and as it is still raining they will stay there a while.

     I had an intern come in needing costume help , so that was off and on questions, which is fine it just takes time.

     I finally was able to start hemming a bridesmaid dress that I had cut to hem earlier in the day and I was planning all the things that I was going to get done before I left for the dance studio and mom comes in and asks me when I am leaving.  I said about 3:30,  I looked up and it was 3:00!  What?  Who stole my day?

     Once I got to the studio, I did make progress with the kids.  We have a big Saturday rehearsal this weekend and it will be your typical first large rehearsal disaster.  I am ready, I am not ready, I am ready to see how not ready I am.  Print that on a t-shirt.

     When I got home from the studio I crashed.  Just could not convince myself to go back in the shop after 4.5 hours of teaching.

     Today I must get something done.  I must.  Hoping to report better results tomorrow!

Have a great and productive day!


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tuesday, Shame on them

      I think people should be shamed when they do something wrong or crooked.  Now this has to be done with tact.  Two examples in the last few days.

     I have a medication that is very, VERY expensive.  I have always had this filled at my local pharmacy.  With my two insurance policies the co-pay has been zero.  When I started going to a new doctor who was local (we finally had a Rheumatologist move here) he switched my meds to CVS.  They came in the mail.  This means a box with $3970.00 worth of meds was thrown on my door step once a month.  Well the co-pay bill came later with a $50.00 co-pay.  SO for the last 19 months I have had to pay $50.00.  An irritation but also grateful I could afford it.  Now Doc switches me back to local pharmacy.  No co-pay.  I called CVS and told them (I asked for the highest supervisor I could get on the phone) Shame on you.  As far as I am concerned they owe me over $900 dollars if a small local business can afford to get the medication with no co-pay the largest pharmacy in the nation should also.  Cheats, users, scallywags and many other abusive names.

     I have a Quick lock loan that belongs to the Dance studio.  Don't know why they call it that and it actually belongs to me, but never the less it is due on the 15th and comes directly out of my checking account.  I always make sure the money is in the account to pay this.  Well this is the bill I am working on next in my pay off strategy. So last week I went in and paid $1000.00 on this bill taking the balance from $3344.00 to $2344.00.  Now come the 15th (yesterday) I went into the bank to put yest another $200 on the loan and my account was overdrawn.  How is that?  Well they had pulled the $150.00 payment as usual on the 15th.  So I had a 27.00 late charge among other things.  Well it is the 15th until midnight.  It was actually early afternoon.  So when do they pull the loan and by the way I had already paid the loan so?  I asked to speak to the manager who  gladly returned my late fee and NSF charge.  Shame on them.  I did not understand the policy of pulling the money in spit of a payment made, I can forgive that, but pulling the money before the end of a business day on the day due and charging me?  Not nice. Shameful in fact.

     I guess, what I am learning from this is to pay attention and ask questions.  Why am I being charged $50.00?  I just thought that the meds were so expensive and I had changed insurance when Hub's retired.  Any time money is involved don't just think, your thinker is wrong, ask.

     Anyway enough cranking.  Did you see that I am kicking butt on my next debt?  Yippee.  That quick, lock loan is going to be history.  Now how am I doing this you ask?  Well besides being busier than a nine petered puppy,  Okay a little graphic but have you ever scene a puppy and his well..... I have been that busy.  I also have paid off enough of my other bills to snowball more money into the debt.  This by the way is where it gets fun.  Not that paying off debt is fun, ( fun like a root canal) but at least it is getting done.

     I am also under $10,000 in the kitchen loan and into the mid 50's on the house.   I am smoking.

I have to get to work,dam%

Have a great and productive day!


Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday, Saving Madness

     Good morning, it is going to be a great week I can just feel it.  The sun is shining, although it is cool and the shop is full, my house is still a mess.  but I can just feel positive vibes this morning and may those vibes stay.

     Had a lovely Mother's day as my Lil sis's house.  I took a long nap and she cooked dinner.  Shrimp Alfredo, salad, bread and of course pie!   Took mom to Macy's and bought her some really nice things from Twin and I.  She has a tendency to wear the things she likes to death and I have to force her to get rid of things.  She was happy.

     Hub's bought me some new bib overalls, I was thrilled.  I love me some bib overalls.  He also took down a hedge in front of the house.  So now both hedges are gone and I need to figure out what to plant in front.  I worked in the yard for about an hour and a half on Saturday and got five large bags of trash out of the front yard beds.  Can you believe that?  The weather was really rotten this last weekend.

     I was a lazy avoider and did nothing in the house, and I don't even care,  I think it will still be there tomorrow and the next day and it will still be dirty.  The shop should be busy today.  I have a bride dress due out.  It is a simple fix.

     Monday Saving Madness

     This was a weird week.  I did not cook at all, and we did not go out except for Saturday.

1.  Family foraged for food all week on what we had.
2. Went grocer shopping on Thursday, two stores.  One I had a 57% savings and the other 71%.  I used many free coupons from Albertsons monopoly game.  Really just stocked up on fresh fruit.
3. Went to movies with senior citizen tickets. 
4. Hub's took me out on Saturday and we split a meal the portions are so large.
5. decided to transplant  existing hostas from yard to front hedge area saving over $100.00 in new plantings.
6.Used coupons at Joanns for sewing necessities.

Not such a stellar week as I was super busy and could hardly keep my face above water.  But this is usually when I spend money foolishly.  So I call it a great week.  To busy to even make poor decisions.

Have a great and productive day!


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Saturday, Well that didn't happen

     I was all set to actually get something done around the house and I spent the whole Da%^ day in the shop.  I started on a mother of the bride dress and the next thing I knew it was 4:30.  Hubs was at the high school and mom and Lil' sis asked me to join them at a movie, then I had to do the banking and I had to eat something besides a piece of pie.  Then it was movie time.

     So, I did nothing but sew.  Lil' sis had a fund raiser at her work selling pies for $20.00 a piece so of course we bought two.  She delivered them yesterday.  I bought a strawberry rhubarb, and hub's bought an apple.  Mom got a turtle cheese cake and Lil' sis a coconut cream, needless to say Mother's day will be sweet.  I had already paid for the pie and then hub's tried to pay for his again.  I told Lil 'sis she should have taken his money.

     It is so cold here.  The sun is shining but it is cold outside.  It is snowing up in the hills welcome to spring in Idaho. 

     I so hope I can get something done around here today, but I feel an attack of the lazys coming on,  Yes lazys is a word in my vocab.  Hmmmm.......  Pie is calling me.

Have a great and productive day!


Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday, feeling better!

     Well I am feeling better, just an arthritis flare.  Not an infection but a flare ain't too good either.  It is my life I won't dwell.  The weather has been so beautiful and now it is cold and rainy again.  I will have to put on warmer clothes today, rats.  I just love staying in my bikini all day.  It is cool and scares the clients.  I'm joking.

     I have four wedding dresses out of the shop and hope to have a 5th gone before the day ends.  It  is nice to see them go.  But the bridesmaid dresses are piling up.

     Today I need to finish a mother of the bride dress and at least 3 bridesmaid dresses and then I am going to clean house. I had planned to get some yard work done but it is too crappy outside.  I broke the vacuum belt so will have to get Hubs to fix that.  I might have to beat him into it.  But don't worry I can and will.

     Had a nice phone call from Sluggy yesterday and I am so excited about seeing them this summer, we have been out to their place twice.  The northwest is an interesting place to visit, lots to see and do here.  Don't think she will be able to shake me off, I am a sticker.  Anyone else want to come to our area?  We are great tour guides.

     I had better get my butt in gear.

Have a great and productive day!


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thursday, Okay now this makes sense

     Well after having a couple of melt downs yesterday and a rude bride (young and no brains) I went over to my sisters without mom.  I actually snuck (is that a word) over and I had a complete melt down.  Then I went home and sewed until 2:00 in the morning.Why?  I don't know I was just crazy.  But on going to bed I was running a high fever and chills.  Cold, hot, cold hot, now achy, sick to tummy, feel like the bathroom needs to be close by and just over all malaise.  So the whole reason for my breakdown was that sickness was coming.  I don't feel like I have an infection any where.  The flu season is over.  Crap, maybe it is just an arthritis flare, but.......

     Anyway onto bigger and better things.  I did get another wedding dress out and another small one done I think?  If it meets the brides approval.  I don't have to go to the studio tonight so my evening won't be broken up and that is nice.

     I hope to get something done today, but we shall see.

Survival mode is kicking in right now.

Have a great and productive day, I may go back to bed.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wednesday,I need a plan

     I need an plan.  Then after I have the plan I need to stick to the plan.  I am so undisciplined and will use any excuse not to get things done.  I just want to kick myself.  I want a clean house and I want to catch up in the shop and, and, and.  Mom is driving me crazy.

     I am trying to keep my head above water in so many areas and I am drowning slightly in all areas of my life right now.  I just keep dog paddling.   Shore is just out of reach.

     Okay enough complaining.  I will get my lazy Arse into the shop and finish that Wedding dress and then onto another.  The pile is almost gone!  Well maybe  Practical Parsimony is right other things have replaced the things I have done.  But is not up to the ceiling any more.

     The Queen of Hearts costume that I need to have done by June 9th will be handed over to the college intern that is working on the show so I don't have to do it!  Yeah!  She will come to my shop to complete as she needs more hours.  That is one less thing I have to do.  So grateful.

     Well I am off to finish that dress and then get other things done.  Hopefully I can report a good day tomorrow.

Have a great and productive day!


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday, Beautiful weather

     It was sunny and warm yesterday.  Of course I was too busy sewing, cleaning and teaching to enjoy it much, but I did go sit on the back porch and hem a dress.  It was lovely.  Hub's is spending much of his free time at the school. There are many things I want and need to do, but right now I am on auto pilot until I can get a few Wedding dresses out.

     I really worked hard on the pile yesterday to try and shrink it down.  Doesn't look like it shrunk much.  I will keep trying to  tackle mount Seweverest  today, plus get at least 2 wedding dresses done.  These are simple fixes so should be easy.  I just want them gone and out of the shop.

     Still haven't finished cleaning the disgusting upstairs, but I don't care.  (the down stairs is worse:))

     I convinced the new owner of the studio that having a Saturday practice the weekend of Memorial day was not going to work and we rescheduled through out the week.  So Hubs and I will take another little jaunt down to southern Idaho to a 50th Wedding anniversary of Aunt and Uncle on the 27th.  We will take Hub's folks and spend the weekend.  Hopefully daughter can come over also.

     I received a Mother's day present from my eldest.  Three new fitbit bands.  One is gold and I love it.  Than a metallic pink one and a red leather one.  She is overly generous. I love them all.  The younger two both called on Sunday to say they were not coming down and I said that was okay, Lil sis and I will just spoil mother and she will be happy with that.  She is not very good at sharing the spot light.

     I must take mom to Macy's to select a gift form Sissie and will do that some time this week.  She will love that.  Although she does not need a thing.

     Well I am off to get the pile done.

Have a great and productive day!


Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday, Saving Madness

     It was so nice to have a weekend of just being.  I was busy but it was not the frantic busy.  It was Kim busy.  I made a very nice roast yesterday using a marked down roast I bought for $6.48 and free carrots and onions and potatoes!   It was so good , mom loved it and went right to bed after dinner.  SO I had a freed evening.  Hub's was at quartet practice.  He is begging me to learn to play the cello as he knows if he does he will never play the violin again.  We have two cello's so what is my excuse?  TIME!

     I have many wedding dresses this week and a huge pile of things to do.  I also want to get some yard things done, but don't know about today.  I was able to plant most of the garden this weekend.  Still have to get marigolds and hubs will plant potatoes and onions.  I also weeded 3 of the front beds and must finish up the fourth and then clean up the mess I made.  I want to use the new trimmer and I need to clean up where hubs took down yews and planted blueberries.  Does it ever end?

     So onto Money savings for last week!

1.  Cooked all meals at home (some with dried beans)
2. Albertsons grocery run with a 71% savings, lots of coupons and free items
3. Bought soda for the month on sale as it was 1/2 price so we did a stock up.
4.  Albertsons shop again 59% savings  again lots of coupons and free items
5. Joanns savings bought 5 patterns for 5.42 that would have cost over 100.00 bought full price like I would have paid full price.  Right?
6.  Bought many plants for 1/2 price mark downs.  I can make anything grow outside.
7. Made cake with a frees cake mix just add my eggs and old apples
8. Dried a box of free pears, they are delicious and we were almost out of dried fruit.
9.Made all costume for dance studio with donated fabric and scraps from around here and a friends stash.  ( see I even save money for other people)

     I am so happy last week is over. I am onto a bigger and better week I tell you.  Well just not as stressful and busy.

Have a great and productive day!


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Saturday, I made it, now a day to do what I want!

        The last costume was finished about 2:30  in the morning Friday  Went to bed about 3:30.  Up at 8:30 to run costumes to studio in my pj's.  Moms and dancers about died when they saw me, lovely was I.  Well a brush did get run through the hair before I left the house.  A button was missing from my pj's and I told them I didn't know anyone who could fix them.  Came home a crawled in bed with mom and slept until noon.  It was a religious experience.

     Specialist doubled my Low dose chemo to get my sed rates down.  So I have had really bad headaches and the bathroom and I are much closer friends than we should be.  Hub's is laughing at me as I am always on the toilet.  He thinks he is so funny.

     Upon getting up, the day was gloomy and overcast, windy, somewhat cold.  We had planned to finish planting the garden.  That did not happen.  Had two parents (dads) call desperate to have prom dresses ironed or pressed.  So both came over and I steamed them.  Then I proceeded to really clean the shop which was a disaster.   Stacked the red queens costume makings in a pile to do later this month. Organized wedding dresses and alterations in order of completion.

     I have been cleaning house off and on all day.  Doing things that I wanted to do and catching up ion things that have been sorely neglected.  Cleaned our room and bath and the spare bath.  All that is left is to clean out and dust around the Jacuzzi.  Tomorrow I will deep clean dining room and finish the front room, will also mop kitchen floor.  Then just the family room is left to clean.  I mean this house was bad.

     When I went upstairs to the kitchen after I got up, I realized that I had a large box of pears I had forgotten about.  I wanted them to ripen up a little more so I shoved them under the kitchen table.  Bad idea, as several of them went bad, but still had enough for a full dryer load.  Spent about an hour processing them, cleaned out the fridge, made mom lunch, cut up a cantaloupe and took a ton of scraps to the chickens. Then I made an apple cake with two large mealy apples that were in the fruit bowl.

     Mom and I went to three garden places for garden plants, and then we went to Albertsons for a few groceries.  SO the day was just hit and miss doing what I wanted to catch up.  It was nice to have a day where nothing was due out and I didn't have to sew all day and answer the phone constantly.


Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday, Reality check...

     Hub's family is going through some real trials right now and it has caused me to have a reality check.  One of his first cousins who is my age was killed in a skiing accident in Utah.  He broke his neck and was found by other skiers.  So sad as he leaves behind a wife and 4 daughters.  The daughters are grown.  I remember attending their wedding.  I just feel so bad for the girls and my Aunt who lost her youngest son.  No one expects to outlive their children.

     One the same day Hub's sister who lives on a ranch in southern Idaho, had her grandson (who also lives on the ranch) get hit by a car.  He is going to be okay, but a 5 year old and a car don't match up very well and we are so lucky he is alive.  Those country roads with the deep ditches on either side are a great hiding place for animals to hop out on the road and obviously a little boy chasing a ball does not look when he pops out of the ditch.  The whole family is shook up right now.

     Mom and dad will not be attending the funeral although Hub's offered to go down and drive them into Salt Lake.  Hubs is really busy right now with the High School and his quartet group getting ready for June weddings.  He would be missing rehearsals and work and the High School has no replacement.  But he was willing and that is what counts to them. Hubs mom turned 89 yesterday and his dad will turn 89 next October, they will also be married 70 years this next April.  We will be planning a big old party.

     Just having these things happen when I am so busy makes me realize life in short and I really don't have any problems.  I am too busy right now, but this will pass.  I am grateful for the work, and my health (what I have), my family, my friends, my Father in Heaven and his son.  Just grateful for all my blessings, You among them!

     I am down to the wire today on dresses and costumes.  One more dress for tomorrow and many more costume things.  I have a list and I am ticking it off.  In the mean time I have 8 wedding dresses that are all due out before June and a pile of alterations that is beyond, beyond.  So next week will be crazy also.  However the proms will be over and I won't be working on those things.

     I am super stressed right now, but I keep telling myself, I can do hard things, and I am grateful, and I need to concentrate on my blessings.

Have a great and productive day.


Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday, thanks cheerleaders!

     It was so nice to see the Wedding Dress from Hell leave the shop this morning.  I will never again do an alteration like that.  Just too much work and stress.  But it is done and it was so nice to get so many cheery comments from people when I got back.  Thanks for having my back.

     I am still not out of the woods so to speak as the shop is full and there are still loads of dresses to conquer in the next two weeks and the pile needs to be dealt with.

     Wouldn't you know it is so beautiful right now.  It is supposed to be 85 today so I may slip out this afternoon for a snooze on the deck.  Just a 1/2 and hour of baking and then back to the grindstone.

     My house is so dirty right now it is sticky.  But this too will pass.  So glad Sissie is not here to scold me.  I wish Sissie were here to help me.  It is a double edge sword I tell you.

Have a great and productive day!


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Tuesday, I want to run away...

     I want to run away from my life right now.  Everything is just too much.  Too much sewing to do, too many brides, too many prom dresses,  the pile of regular alterations is to the ceiling, too many costumes.  Mom is too  much, hubs is too slow and not productive,  I am tired.  I am cranky.

     I can do this I can live through this weekend and it will get better.  I think.


Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday saving madness

     Well it is Monday, I am trying to think of things I did last week to save money.  I sewed so much my head is in a fog.

1.  Used coupons for 4 zippers I bought at Joanns
2.  Found remnants at Wal-mart for costume making on sale
3.  Scouted 4 nurseries before buying plants to find cheapest way to do this.
4. planted all my seedlings I started saving tons of money on garden things.
5. Accepted 2 large tomato plants from neighbor
6. cooked all meals from scratch with pantry supplies except 2 one lunch and one dinner
7. went out to lunch with coupons from Mc donalds
8. went out to dinner and friends paid, but we will get them next time.
9. Made delicious home made desserts, and salads all week, we ate like kings.
10. sister brought us all kinds of fruit from her work again, in fact I will be drying some this week

     Kind of a boring week on money saving, but today starts a new month so lets see what I can do with the grocery budget.

     I was able to work in the yard on Saturday and it was lovely.  I did not get done even a third of what I wanted to as there is so much to do.  I need to take pictures and I promise I will some time this week.  I just want to get it done and I realize that it will always be a work in progress and I just need to take a flippen picture.

     Hubs took down the Yew hedge and we bought 7 blueberry bushes to replace it, he will have to plant those today I hope.

I have many prom dresses to finish today and hope I can get them all done but they keep coming in like a flood that does not quit.  I am so blessed.

     There is a big old long list of costumes to complete for Alice in Wonderland so I will be working on those also. I am going to teach 3 nights this week and for the next few weeks.  But it will be fun.

     Hubs is putting together our new yard trimmer together.  Yeah!

I am off to set the world on fire or myself I am not sure.  Mom is looking for matches so I am going to check on her.

Have a great and productive day!
