
Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Frightening!

     Okay to day is D-day.  Dance Recital Day.  I am so tired!  We were at the theater last night laying the Marle (a rubberized dance floor), we were done at 10 p.m. and then went to Radio station to spice a couple of pieces of music, then home to get program ready for printers.  Went to bed at 1:30 in the morning.  Now have a long list of crap to do. When I am tired I say crap a lot! Why all last  minute?  Because things change up to the last minute. Ahhh, the beauty of live theater!

Out My Window:

What window?  I have a window?  Where is it?  I think lack of sleep is dealing with my perspective!

     My mother is coming with an Aunt so I need to do a little house work.  Get to the printers, go to the bank, make some phone calls, finish a horse costume. Glitter a spindle, find out what to do about Maleficent staff that did not arrive, Get to theater by 1 p.m. and start to set stage!  I love my life!


  1. Soon the recital will be over and you can relax and be thankful for all that you accomplished. Positive thoughts are being sent your way!

  2. Good luck today! It's almost over :) Hope it all goes well.

  3. Break a leg and have fun! Everything is going to go off without a hitch!

