
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday Yes I am here!

     Run, run ,run.  Rehearsal all day.  By 1 p.m. I was so tired I was having a hard time staying awake.  It was warm here so when you have over 100 little bodies jumping all day the studio was HOT!    Came home to enjoy grand baby.  He is too cute.

Out My Window:
     It is warm and beautiful.  The town is in full bloom!  Dogwood trees are incredible.  As you look over the valley  it is covered in huge snowballs of pinks and whites.  So pretty.  Our daughter is amazed although she grew up here she has forgotten just how beautiful it is. I wish you were all here to see this it is glorious!

     I replaced my totaled car this weekend.  It is a long story with some very funny parts.  I will try to share more tomorrow, right now I have to get to the laundry;  that baby has totaled two different beds!  I forget how much work they are!

Have a great and productive night!


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