
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday, I need to make a list.

  Okay so I have been ignoring things I need to do.  Can you believe that?
Things I need to do today!

  1. Make a bank deposit for studio
  2. Pay the CC bill
  3. Deposit money in my bank
  4. Pay car payment
  5. finish a pile of alterations
  6. finish altering a wedding dress (bride will be here at 6 p.m.)
Oh yeah! Make something for dinner as I haven't for the last two nights.

Out My Window:  I'm going out to water and to check the chickens and pick tomatoes.

We are getting a boat load of calls for new enrollment at the studio this is great but scary, where are we going to put them? 
Have a great and productive day!



  1. As a non-seamstress....this may be a dumb question. How long does it take to alter a wedding gown? It seems that you are lightning fast!!!!

    Don't feel bad about your ignoring "to do" list. I have one of my own today.

  2. I wrote "sometime" following the to do on my list. We are getting ready for a hurricane and I am sitting in my room typing..


  3. Mysti, It depends, Yesterday I bustled a dress (one button) and hemmed the front. It had three layers of tulle that I just cut. It had two layers of satin that were cut serged and hemmed, and one layer of organdy that was cut, serged and hemmed. It took me about 1.5 hours and I charged $85.00. I also had a bride come in and I bustled her dress (one button) while she was in it. It took about 5 minutes, but the try on and undress was about 20 minutes. I charged her $25.00. If it was a triple button I would have charged her $50.00. The dress I am working on right now is about $135.00 and I will lose money as it was too complicated with the replacement of the bead work. So you win some you lose some. Not that I really lose money but I like to make $35.00 an hour on average and I usually do. This is a great skill, I average about $350.00- $500.00 a week, never leave my house, and sew about 4 hours a day and I love it! I am so blessed and lucky.

  4. Wow I wish I could sew or alter something! I need to take a class.
