
Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday, I am trying the fiscal fast.

     Okay here goes, I am really going to try this.  I told husband and daughter.  Daughter had already said her goal this week was to not eat any fast food.   I still have  $16.59 on a restaurant card. Does this count?:)  You never realize how much money you spend on things that are not essential til you do something like this. Day one was easy as it was Sunday.  Now day two......

     This is the first Monday of classes as last week it was a holiday Monday.  So we will have most of our new enrollment today. On  Mondays we have most of our younger classes.  We still have a ton of tuition out and many not registered.  I am paying my Mom today the regular $500.00 and I will pay the rent.  Then anything above and beyond that in the account will go to pay off Mom. ( I am not counting regular bills in fiscal fast just discretionary income).  So after this afternoon we will have a pretty clear picture of our semester.  I pray that is is good.

     Out My Window:  I woke up this morning and threw on my garden clothes and weeded for an hour. Tomorrow I will do the same.  I was able to get the flower boxes on the deck cleaned out and the french drain in front of the deck done.  Tomorrow I will do the fire pit area and the small patio off the deck.  It is such a mess.  I really feel that this yard is just too much for us.  But I cannot justify hiring help often to deal with it.

     I have a a Marine dress blue uniform to alter this morning and a ton of other things in the shop, so I had better get busy.  Also need to make a deposit. Pay a few bills.  I am off to see the wizard!  I hope to have a great week.  At least better than last, I am not feeling as blue as I was feeling last week, and I hope this lasts.

Have a great and productive day!



  1. I want to start a fiscal fast also. Hopefully the BF will be on board.

  2. Hope there are plenty of students. Good luck to your family


  3. Good luck on your fiscal fast!! :) I think if you already have $$ on the card, it doesn't count!
