
Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, this will be a week of chaos.

     I have a big performance this weekend at the Lighting of the Christmas Park.  I really need to get costumes organized and some of them found.  The closet where we have $70,000 worth of shows is less than organized.  I always organize it 2 times a year but this last year I did not and now we are missing things.  Daughter also figures out she ordered 2 costumes less than she needs (ugh).  For someone that counts music she cannot count bodies.

      So this will be a busy week.  I am full of anxiety and then I tell myself.  Is anyone else going to do this for you?  NO! So make a list and get busy!  Call your suppliers, pickup your posters, dig through the closet, meet the TV station for lunch and advertising and quit wasting time worrying as it will do you no good.  I also need to get music copied for the Jr. High show.  I can be a terrible procrastinator, especially when I am busy.

     I do not have a lot to do in the shop, a blessing, as I will be running around most of the week and need to get costume sewing done. A Partridge in a Pear Tree.......(where is my gun)

     Out My Window: you should see the large oak tree I have out front it is stunning, and I also have a huge grove of Pines out back and some are yellow and dropping their needles, so pretty.

     I am going to get busy.  Like you have not heard that before.  I have no money for the rest of the month unless it comes into the shop.  All of these disasters have taken their tole financially.  SO I must be very careful. No spending money until next month! Unless it is cash.  I need to buy a Turkey.

Have a great productive day!



  1. The only Christmas song I HATE is the 12 days of Christmas! Good luck with get everything I know you can do it!

    I still have a little star costume around here somewhere


  2. hope the week goes well for you. You really are amazing with the amount of things you get done!

  3. The view out our window is also gorgeous - the leaves are breathtaking! I'm also trying to pace the spending for the rest of the months - it's going to be tight!

  4. You will get it all always do!

  5. We have faith in you - you'll pull it altogether! But I sure wouldn't want to be standing in your shoes this week - I know I would crack under the pressure. But maybe that's because I'm already half way there!!

  6. I really don't know how you do it... lol! Hope you're able to stay "spend free"!
