
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday, I forgot chicken feed!

     Yes, I forgot to get chicken feed, so back to Wal-mart this evening, for carrots, chicken feed, Greek yogurt, and diet soda for hubby, $34.91 .  He had lost 18lbs before Christmas and has put 6 back on so he needs a little incentive.  I also paid the studio insurance  71.18.  I paid daughters storage bill (but I will pull this from her account tomorrow) $135.00.  My studio Credit Union had a computer crash today.  What a mess, long lines and I wasn't able to get studio account balanced. My personal account is in the hole.  Where did all my money go?  I have a big water bill to pay and 2 large doctor bills.  Oh yes, I remember now I bought a wash machine.  I am no spending or low spending myself into a big old dark hole.  Thanks for all the comments, I feel a little better.  At least I am not alone.  At least the animals are fed for a month or so! 

Started a new opening number for upcoming Celtic Show and it is so good.  We have a theater here with an opera curtain that goes up in a full 1/2 circle.  It is so beautiful and I start with dim lights as the curtain rises to drums and then into full light with all 28 dancers in full unison.  It is great!  Can't wait to finish it.

Well off to bed!
At least I can't spend money while I am sleeping.



  1. I hope you can't spend money in your sleep!

  2. The poor chickens! Glad you got their food. And I feel you, sometimes accounts just looks like a big black hole. That's why I am glad the tracking helps. At least the fingers can be properly pointed at (like at that very nice washing machine).

  3. Stay in bed! Repeat - stay in bed!
