
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday, He is Risen!

     Easter Sunday, what a wonderful day to stop and contemplate all we have been given. I am teaching a class today at church on the immortality of the soul.  Ties right in with Easter.  When you know that you are immortal, when you really know, you will live differently.  You will live a better life, be more giving, kinder, know that there is something greater that yourself and also most importantly you will be grateful.

     I made a coconut cake yesterday with that 7 minute frosting.  Well it was 27 minute frosting and at this time is running all over the fridge.  Don't know what I did wrong.  I can push the frosting back up.  It is like glue, but I can't get it to stay.  What a mess, we will eat if anyway.  I also cut out a really cute dress out of a heavy white embroidered fabric with a thin acetate lining for my daughter.  We found some cute embroidered white flats for $14.99 and matched the dress to those.  Fabric was about $14.00 also.  It is darling and went together in about 1.5 hours.  She needs this for an initiation.  I asked her what the others were doing, as we had looked every where for a dress.  She said buying on line.  I am so grateful I can sew.  We spent less time sewing dress than we did shopping.

     I also made three Easter baskets last night, but I have a ton of candy left over, so I will take it to the home where we are having dinner today.  I will also take my runny cake :) home made rolls and asparagus. I have a triple batch of rolls rising right now.  I always make orange rolls every Easter and Christmas morning.  I will go up and punch down the dough in a minute and put some in the fridge for later!

     Daughter and I went to the "Hunger Games" last night for my belated birthday. She also bought me a beautiful Easter Lily. I thought they stuck pretty close to the book, but the movie was extremely jumpy and made me nauseous.  Like the man running the boom was panning too fast.  I am sure it will not win any awards for film making.  I am surprised the edited it this way.   Loved the costumes, I thought they were very well done.

   Out My Window:  Hubby turned over a good part of the garden yesterday, and did some clean up in the yard.  Chickens were out all day, but the still go back in the coop to lay their eggs.

     Have a restful and Peaceful Easter!



  1. Have a wonderful & blessed Easter, Kim! :)

  2. Have a very blessed Easter, dear Kim! And good luck on your lesson today :)

  3. I'm sure your runny cake tasted great! Haven't seen the movie yet but have finished the first two hunger game books - sooooo good - you just can't put them down. Do you have any easter candy left...I'm feeling a bit peckish?!? (hmmmm, I sound like a chicken!)

  4. Would you be willing to share the orange roll recipe? They sound wonderful!
