
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday, okay I paid the bills!

See Kim's shop it is clean and organized!  Yeah Kim.

 Yes clean!

 Here is my clean desk!  Pile of bills belongs to daughter #2 who will pick them up tonight.

  I was afraid to post until I got the bills paid and books balanced.  Sluggy has power you know!  She can throw guilt from thousands of miles don't under estimate the power of the Slugster.  So from about 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  I have done the bills.  It was bad, but I am not gong to dwell on it.  I will let you know the gory details when the studio opens in September.  I can't do any thing about it now.

     I had many little doctor bills to pay this month.  But the total was over $300.00 not including the $1175.00 I paid out for cataract surgery.  So between, sewer, plumbers and medical we are down a lot.

     But three nice things happened  I sold B's furniture on Craigslist and I got what I asked for it!  Hooray!  It is also out of the garage. B called this morning from her Sorority and she has a job interview at Safeway in the deli.  This is on the Washington side wear minimum wage is $9.05 an hour.  She is 7 miles from the store so she will not have to commute down to Penney's if she gets the job.  I am sure she will as she has deli experience.  Also I found $20.00 while cleaning my desk.  It was under the desk.  I am sure I dropped it but hey $20.00 bucks is $20.00 bucks.  Small blessing but made me smile anyway.

     Now I can concentrate on cleaning!  I feel so much better just getting that done.  It is so nice to kow where you stand even if it is on a higher mountain of debt!

     Out My Window:  Hot, Hot, Hot!

     Well I am off to mail bills and get the banking done!

Have a great and productive day!



  1. Yeah Kim!!! $20 is always a nice find :) And a great incentive to keep moving forward!!

  2. Yah for clean shop and bills done! No guilt throwing
    By "it was bad" you mean you put something on a LOC or cc, I will just pretend I didn't hear that. ;-)

    Never look a gift Andrew Jackson in the

  3. Yay for you! I always feel so much better when things are neat and organized ... and, hey, you even made $20 in the process! Woo hoo :)


  4. Wow Kim! Looks awesome! You have been busy!! Thanks for posting pics...I love seeing where other people live and work! :)!

  5. The shop looks great! I am sure you are so very happy to have the furniture out of your garage and sold! It is always fun to find money that you have placed in the most weird places...I paid bills today too, but didn't find any money in the

  6. I paid my bills on the first, have been cleaning for days with NO money in sight. Bummers!

    Your shop looks fantastic!! Glad to hear you sold that furniture.
    blessings, jill
