
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday, November 1st, getting better

-300.20 personal
$108.12 studio
      November 1st!  Only 34 more days until I can open my sealed Christmas pot!  I am so excited.  I plan on getting all my Christmas for daughter, her husband, grandson and Hubby's folks at Thanksgiving.  Then I will ship mom's package and I will just have Hubby and the 2 girls.  Hope I have lots of cash!
Also need to set up a new budget, but as I have no money to pay bills I will wait, will do payroll today for a few teachers. Hopefully tuition will come in.......

     Well I woke up this morning late, but was not stuck to the pillow and my hair was not mated to my head.  I felt good.  It was weird as the last 3 days I have not been able to really get up.  I walked down stairs normally.  Not one foot at a time like I had a broken leg.  My throat is still sore but nothing like it was and my chest is a lot looser.  I just feel better.  So nice.  I did try to get home last night by 7 and get in the tub and go right to bed.  I was able to get all of the formals out yesterday and I have a pile of mending to do today.

     Last night we had the down town Trick or Treat.  Again 90 % of these people I have never seen in this small town and most of them should not have been allowed to breed.  Talk about Zombie Apocalypse.   They all were collecting candy in pillow cases for little tiny babies most of them had 3 small children  Like a 3 year old, a 2 year old and an infant.  Two very overweight parents and 5 pillow cases.  Now I realize that I do not have the right to judge, but this was not an isolated incident.  I mean almost every group was like this.  Scary because we are caring for these people,who are having children that will never have a chance.  I was telling my daughter about it and she said, "Mom 16% of every community is under the radar."  "But where do these people come from, what/ Why? are they allowed to have children?"  Answer, they know how to live under the radar, they collect a lot of services but they live in areas where most people won't with others like themselves, so they are not reported.  Eventually when those children become of school age someone will investigate, but usually they are just smart enough to stay under the radar of CPS.  Not smart enough to raise a child.  It is so pathetic and sad.  

     I did pay the housekeeper yesterday, and I put about $115.00 worth of candy on the studio cc, which I will pay off this month.  I have about $297.00 in the shop right now and more should come in today.  But I have to have at least a tank of gas to get to the doctor tomorrow, and I am still really short of any bills I will need to pay.

     Out My Window:  Definitely Fall, so beautiful.  Chickens are only laying about 2 eggs a day now.

   Well that sewing pile is not going to disappear so I had better get busy.

Have a great and productive day!



  1. I'm sorry you've been feeling icky! We had some of that going around here too.
    As for under the radar, I'm sure we've got a lot of that in our town too.

  2. So sad about parents collecting candy for their infants...didn't have any of that on this end. $115 worth of candy? Wow! That's a lot of candy!!

  3. P.S. Glad you are feeling better!!

  4. I'm excited to see what's in your jar! Probably a LOT more than mine. Glad you're starting to feel better. That's a relief!

  5. Glad you're feeling better! Makes me feel sad to think about those poor kids. :-(

  6. Glad your feeling better. We didnt even hand out candy, except for bags I set up for kids on the street, because last year there were people driving up and just letting their kids out. No costumes, no thank yous, well this year no candy! I donated the money to the red cross instead
