
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, Sick with bad cold.

     Sorry sick with cold.  Hard to type as wrists are frozen.  Did get my nieces wedding dress done yesterday.  She looked beautiful. They came in late Tuesday eve.  We started working and I got a lay out of what had to be done.  Went to bed.  Up at 8 and started working on dress at 9 worked all day through to teaching at 5 and then came back to do some beading.

     They left this morning.  There was still the beading to do around the neck, but her mom can finish that in a couple of hours.  I had to add lace sleeves, and a lining to the sheer bodice, we also built up the neck line with lace.  It is a long involved job, but it came out well. 

     I have a very sore throat. I also lost my wrist watch.  It is not on my wrist and I have no idea where it is.  Did I take it off in bed becsue3 my wrist was sore?  I am waiting for daughter to come over so I can get in a hot bath.  My Thursday teacher is also very sick.  As I have customers coming to the shop I cannot get in the tub until I have someone to answer the door.  I will shiver in jammies until she arrives.

     Very behind on costume stuff and I don't even care right now.

     Met with the pyro technician last night for the show and it looks like all of the fire stunts will be easy.  We have at least 8 per show.  Then sent daughter and Ballet Mistress down to  theater to meet with builder to reuse some set pieces and they came back with good news.  But the seamstress and executive director of this upcoming event is behind and has a very bad cold.  I wonder if she will pull it together?  Only time a will tell.

     I will probably have to go to the doc tomorrow.  I hate to waste the time but with the chemo I take they will want to do blood work.  Now I am going to shiver off to bed.  Take care.

Out My Window:   COLD, unseasonably cold for this part of the country.

Have a great and productive day, Do some work for me as I don't think I will accomplish anything.



  1. Oh no! Last thing you needed! Please take it easy on yourself.

  2. I hope you feel better real soon! In the meantime, try to REST. I know, I know, easier said than done, but it sounds like you need it. Stay warm!

  3. Gah - just got over that myself. Take the time to rest and let your body to do the work.

    On a side note, I've noticed my blog posts are not updating on blogrolls everywhere...would it be at all possible for you to remove and re-add my blog in your roll? it may just be a stale link...

    1. I will try, blogger is not working like it used to. Drat!
