
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday, sewing up a storm

No spend, leftovers for dinner.  I need to thaw out some other meat.  I think I will do chicken. boring but tasty.

  Soooooo the used to be clean family room is once again covered in beads and sequins from wedding vomit.  I hope to have two dresses go out either today or tomorrow.  I have another coming in this evening.  My plan is to complete as much as possible 4 bridesmaid dresses, three flower girl dresses, all the wedding alterations and the general alterations I can before I leave for mothers.  It is getting harder to see this as the  pile gets deeper.  I am not complaining as I need the money.

     Okay segue, bride likes the cummerbund I beaded to add to her dress.  Now I can finish and steam, then do the sisters bridesmaid alterations, the father's pants and that wedding is done.  I also ran through the house, grabbed all the laundry and started the laundry from the coast.  Emptied two trash cans, set my hair and put on some makeup so as to not scare clients.  I really really really need to do the floors upstairs and the toilets they are scary so maybe later in between dresses.  What happened to all my energy, I am like a dish rag right now.  I need a little pick me up. Hub's thinks I am getting an infection again.  I wonder how he can tell?  Do I act different?   I was sweating a lot yesterday and it was only 83 degrees.  Maybe that is the sign.

     Hub's is down 2 more lbs. he can get into every pair of pants in his closet.  Also his XL shirts look big on him through the shoulders.  It has always been his stomach that was the issue.  We are both a couple of apples. Round in the middle.  That is where I put on my weight also.

     I was able to talk to my ballet mistress that rents from us and let her now that we think she needs to get an apartment by the first of September.  With mom coming to live here we will need to have an extra room for company.  Plus mom wants the downstairs bedroom and bath.  The room is much larger with a sitting area, and a huge walk-in closet.  It also has an enclosed shower.  Hub's and I need to change out the plumbing in the shower.  I was dreading telling her as she does not take change very well but she was very receptive so that is nice.

     Right now the room is done in dark brown and blue, with black-out curtains so it is dark in the morning.  I am thinking I will have to change up the color for mom.  She will want it brighter.  That is okay an easy fix. 

     Well my work is not going to do itself, (another of grandma's sayings) so I had better get busy.

Have a great and productive day!


1 comment:

  1. Yep, lots of work to go around for everyone in the sewing world it seems. This little niche of doing completely custom - I mean really custom quilting is taking off. I have 10 quilts on order due by Christmas. They all require cutting up clothes, so lots of cutting and then ironing in interfacing to everything before cutting again to the pieces that will make up the quilt. It is like everything is in triplicate.

    I hope you do not have an infection and it is just a little stress. It bugs the heck out of me how much men can just drop weight like they do. I have been thinking I want to try hormone therapy to help with some of my symptoms (like no sleep, no drive, no energy and weight gain). Scared to death of them though.
