
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Saturday, I will do what I want day

     Yeah I get to do what I want today.  Well as long as grandson approves.  He is such a big help.

I had a wonderful birthday dinner with my two younger girls my lil sis, mom and Hub's.  I am not used to having a fuss made on my birthday so it was nice.

It is supposed to be somewhat nice today so I plan to work in the yard asap.  I might be chased out by rain drops.

Yesterday I was working on a wedding dress and grandson crawled in and distracted me.  I had the serger needle go through the front part of my pointer nail.  The machine stopped, I screamed people came running.  Daughter saw immediately what was happening and blood was oozing up  and I was working on a wedding dress.   She had a soda in her hand and put it on the floor to snatch up the dress and figure how to move it out of harms way.  Hub's is trying to see how to get my finger off the machine.  I am screaming "Don't touch it", Don't touch it"  so afraid he will go through it again.  In the mean time grandson picks up soda and spills it all over the floor just under the dress daughter is holding.  So we get Hub's to remove grandson and come clean the floor.  I slowly disengage finger.  Luckily it went through the artificial nail first and then into nail side ways and out so a good puncture wound.  Hurts like hell, and I had tears running down my face for about an hour.  The finger had a heart beat of its own.  It is still sore to the touch.  That ended my day of sewing.

     Anyway I had a great birthday and thanks for all the well wishers, I am off to get some fun in the back yard.

have a great and productive day!


  1. OH HOW HORRID! Of all things to be working on, a wedding dress. I have to say, I never sewed through my finger. I did lower the needle of my regular machine right through the very tip of my index finger. That was sheer stupidity! The machine was not even running!

    This is why my children were never allowed in my sewing room when they were little. It seems if I were sewing on white, I bled profusely from a pin prick. However, the nurse had trouble getting a drop out for a test.

    I hope that gets better soon. Do you use a home serger or industrial serger. My industrial serger would never had stopped at once through a finger. It's good the knife did not get you, too. This is still horrifying to me since I always feared the same. ACK

  2. I am so scared of that happening! There are nightmares that go around in the embroidery world and I am one on the ones that holds the fabric close to the needle when appliqueing. However, I have started keeping a sharp point poker thing to hold it instead lately - too many pictures of punctured needles. You made my spine tingle! Finger injuries are the worst! I hope it feels better soon!

    1. I know and it is so unexpected. As much as I sew I just don't think about it.

  3. Wishing you a belated happy birthday Kim! Of all the things you don't want to get blood on it's a wedding gown!! But I'm more concerned about your finger - glad the injury wasn't too too terrible! Oh my!

    1. Thank you, I only bleed on white for some reason.
