
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wednesday, March 1st Giveaway!

     I have some new plans in the works and I am starting off this month with a sneak peek of said plans.

     For all of you that follow this blog, you know that mom is losing her eyesight.  It is a great sadness for her and a total frustration on top of sadness for me.  She has all but given up playing her beloved piano.  She cannot really cook anymore unless I lay out all her ingredients.  She uses a magnifying glass to read her recipes.  She listens to books for the blind on tape now and can with a magnifying read her large addition readers digest.  One thing she can do is sew some as long as the patterns are simple and the lines are straight.  We have a magnifier attached to her machine.  She sews a little almost everyday.  She is used to being useful and busy.  She has so many blankets and baby things made ahead and now she is into aprons.  She does pillow cases and napkins.  You can only give so many of these things away and her material habit is expensive.  So I suggested that she start and Etsy site.

     Now her work is not perfect.  I do check it over and ignore small bobbles after all she is legally blind.  Her site is not up and running yet as I am working on set up and her inventory.  I have to watch her as she has a tendency to cut things out wrong, or upside down.  She at one time was perfectionist and an excellent seamstress.  So I try not to gripe too much.  I will post a give away of her work the first of every month.  Some of these things will be for some reason, things I don't think she can sell but are still perfectly good items.

  Our first give away will be this:

Now you can see it is a darling apron, but mom thought these were little men.  They are pears.  They are upside down.  So as not to waste we will use it as a give away.  It is one size fits all and comes with two potholders. The apron is completely lined and can be reversed all though there are no pockets on the back side.

 So if you would like to be included  for a drawing on the fifteenth of the month you may enter in various ways.

1.One entry for every comment you  post on this blog through the 15th.
2. Additional comment if you mention this blog give away and link me to yours.

Sorry entries can only be from the US and Canada.

When the Etsy site is ready I will let everyone know.  Mom is excited it gives her something to look forward to and she will be in charge of the drawing..  Don't worry I will help. We don't want Donald Duck to get this apron :)

Her things make lovely one of a kind gifts.

     I was able to get around a little more and teach.  But was exhausted beyond anything when I arrived home.  Have not exercised for 5 days as I just could not push myself like that.  See I am growing up or growing old not sure which one.  I did not cook again yesterday as just getting around was enough.  Today I am much better, just a little tired.

     I will be spending most of the day in the shop as I have a bridal fitting at 4:15.  I just replaced a zipper in a pair of Carhart overalls for an out of town client.  She came in from the Mountains and is in town for the day.  So it was a rush job.  Plenty to do around here, but I will not push myself as I usually do.  Mom however will not care and will try to drive me over the edge I am sure.  Don't you just love life?

     So I am on the mend and wonder what do you think of this new adventure?

Have a great and productive day!



  1. I'm glad you are on the "mend". The apron is cute as heck but my Maxine one rules! lolz
    I'll spread the word about mom's Etsy site when you get us the info.

  2. Oh, I am so very sorry for you mom and the loss of her eye sight.. I can only imagine how very difficult this is for her and you too. I will most definitely check her Etsy when you get it up and running..Hope this brings her joy.. May God bless.
    thank you for the give away.. I think the apron with the upside down pears is lovely [or little men either]
    Will be praying for your mom.

    1. Thank you I will add you in! Yeah this is hard I feel bad for her even when she is driving me nuts!

  3. It is wonderful your mom is able to continue to sew and that you can assist her with it. Her apron is darling... upside down pears or not!

    1. Okay Bonnie, I will enter you in the upside down pear contest. Doesn't that sound like a rock band name "The upside down pears greatest hits"

  4. It is wonderful that you are going to set her up a place to sell her goods! Love the apron! Personally I like the little men instead of the pears. Once I bought a kimono jacket to wear with black slacks and skirts that had these stylized black line drawings of human looking figures, until I got home, put on my glasses and noticed they were primitive anatomically correct nudes. Rats! And I really loved that jacket but never got to wear it unless we were going to a very dark restaurant or club

    1. I knew there was a dark side to you. Wear that to church, your boys would never have said a thing. You are entered.

  5. How sweet is that apron!!! I would be honored to win that!

    1. Yeah because your life is not upside down right now. By the way Talbots has gorgeous mother of the bride things on super sale right now. You can alter for the price. I do this all the time.

  6. Have you seen a pillowcase dresses. They are easy to sew. Missions groups love to have them to give in other countries. I bet your Mom could still sew them and feel useful too. Google them if you havent seen one.

    1. Mom does many blankets for the womens shelter for babies and children we need a source to fuel her generous heart.

  7. Sorry about your mom's eyesight. Even with the "little men" being upside down, I can tell she is a very talented seamstress. Please post a link to her Etsy store once it is up and running. Another thing your mom could probably easily do is sew newborn baby hats. I have a friend who makes them for a local hospital.

    1. Mom used to knit them for our preemie ward but she drops too many stitches.

  8. Not being able to see well enough to sew right or cook from a recipe would be tragic. I feel your pain for her. At least she will still have something to make her happy with her own Etsy store. You had a great idea. Sign me up for the giveaway. Those pillowcase dresses sell like hotcakes. Is it possible she could sew more and bake less. leaving you less of a mess? Tell her I said, "Good luck and Happy sewing!" I hope you feel better, too. Take it easy so you will recover sooner.

    1. I tried to walk fast across a big parking lot today and practically collapsed, so much for being over my crud.

  9. You can see that she still does nice work and even though the pears are upside down, when I'm wearing it, and look down, they will be right side up. ;) I would be very pleased to win this lovely apron and I hope your mom can continue to do some of the things she enjoys so much. Not everything has to be perfect and someone will still love it. Ranee (MN)

    1. I so agree. We have great laughs over her antics and what she really sees.

  10. I love that apron, I think it's gorgeous! You both are so talented

    1. Why thank you even if we are a little backwards and upside down.

  11. I love the apron. I have been wanting to make one myself

    1. Well this Topsy turvey one just might be yours!

  12. I cant wait for the etsy site - :). Kim - are you going to stop teaching next year? It just seems so hard on you.

    1. I am seriously considering it. I have a student that will start to go pro next year. My fear is that they will snap her up on a pro tour and then I will not have anyone to take my place. We will see. I would really like too stop.

  13. I love the little green men! Lori C

    1. I know they are bending over or something, right?

  14. Love the apron! You and your mom are so talented. I'm sorry about her vision loss. I can't imagine how difficult an adjustment that might be.

    1. Thank you, it is a tough one, but I just keep her busy.
