
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Saturday, It will be a busy one

     I normally don't take appointments on Saturday.  It is the one day I can get work done around the house and get out without worry.  But as I am leaving and it is bridal season that is not the case today.  I have a doctor from our free clinic picking up at 10 .  Those poor doctors works 12 hour days, they are amazing.  Then at 11 I have a bridal fitting ( the final one) and a bridesmaid coming.  Then I have one of my dance students that has been dancing pro in Irish coming to find the makings of a wedding dress.  I seldom make Wedding dresses but she is special.  She has been sending me pictures of dresses and to alter and repurpose will be ore work for me than new.  She is due in at 11.  After that foray I will hit the yard hard.

    Lil sis came over last night and we filled the pickup with yard waste.  We will take it to the recycle dump.  Lots of flower bed cleaning.  I still have to trim up the Wisteria and the bamboo around the pond.  We will replace everything on the deck and then I have to clean the house.  It is a dirty wreck as I have not swept or dusted anything, or done laundry or clean a toilet for about 2 weeks.  I do pick up daily so not a total disaster, but it needs love.

     Lil sis will be over about 11:00 so I had better get busy.  Shears in hand I am out to trim the bushes.

Had mom make 8 mini loaves of banana bread yesterday.  It took her most of the afternoon.  I set everything out and helped off and on.  The wedding dress with the 8 layers of fluff is ready to try on.  It takes forever to cut and hem one of those beasts.

Have a great and productive day!



  1. I wish I had your energy! Love seeing your savings increasing!

    1. I wish I had the energy I used to have. I put another 100.00 in!

    2. Amazing! I am so excited for you!

  2. Are you ever called upon to clean up the mess made by another seamstress? The reason I ask is that those were the worst and hardest sewing I ever had to do. I commanded more than if I had cut it out and sewed from scratch.
