
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Thursday, 2 boards down.......

     It looks like I may be able to paint the deck next year at the rate hubs is going.  He has 2 boards down and at least 12 more to go.  It is hot, he is tired, his bit is worn out.  I refuse to go out there or I will kill him.

     Mom gets up this morning.  "What time is it? What day is this?  DO I go to the doctor today?  Answer, "10:15, Thursday mom, no that is tomorrow".  She lives for appointments and makes as many as she can and then is rude to who ever attends her.

     If I ever married again.  #1 would be lots of money, #2 would be handy at fixing things.  I would not go for musical, funny, smart.  Okay I am just in a very sarcastic mood today. But a girl can dream.

     My right wrist is inflamed from too much hand sewing on this costume.  It will be handed off today I hope. I will take a picture before and post it.

     While mom was in her doctor appointment yesterday I cut out many lace appliques, and that is where I wore out my wrist.  That is a no no for me. Repetitive work like that is just a thing of the past.

     I have to get a Wedding dress finished today.  So that is the first thing I am working on in the shop.  I have already cleaned the cat box, gathered eggs, emptied my trash cans,swept floors,  made myself acceptable, straightened our bedroom, watered the flower boxes and beds, measured a man for a tuxedo,listened to mother complain.

     Now I have to vacuum the family room, picked up piles of dirt, start some laundry and putaway some laundry, make mom something to eat.

     Later today I will take mother out to the grocery store and to do a few errands.

Hub's and I did not walk last night and we need to tonight.  He just got home so late from church and I was in the middle of the costume when he came in, so I did not want to quit.

Well I am off to try and accomplish something.

Have a great and productive day!



  1. You remind me of the cartoon that showed up in my email today. A woman is at a fortuneteller who looks into her crystal ball and says "Your husband will meet a violent end". The woman's response: "Will I be convicted?"

    It was actually my husband who sent it to me--not sure what that says!


    1. Erica,
      Maybe he was feeling you out.

    2. I am ready to do something violent, I'm thinking......thinking.....

  2. Musical, funny, and smart? This is a hard one. Funny and smart are absolutely necessary. I might trade musical for handy. My father ruined it for all men I have met. He could build a house from the foundation up...everything. I get frustrated with men who are not handy. Just a little bit would make me happy.

    My right hand is swollen and painful. All I need to do is sew a button on three pair of pants for my exbf, and I don't think I can do that! After the MRI I was told to go to a hand specialist, so no telling what is wrong! Getting old was not supposed to take away my ability to sew.

    1. I had a list of 10 things I wanted in a husband. He had all 10. What I did not put in was needed to have alot of money. That would be my #1 now.

  3. Hope the wrist feels better soon. Don't work too hard!

    1. I need to quit cutting and hand sewing for a few days. It will be all right.

  4. I promised myself years ago that my next spouse will be a rich orphan with a heart condition.

  5. One day, my best friend John and I were walking around the yard. After looking at the yard I wistfully commented, "I wish I could marry a jeweler who loved to do yard work." I thought he was going to fall down laughing. He said that was the funniest thing he had heard in a long time. My comment just came out of nowhere, something I had never thought about before.

  6. Robb's already got my next hubs picked out for me. It's the only way that friend will get their Sci-Fi books back... I'm not too keen...

    1. No you have to pick out your own, don't they know that?
