
Thursday, August 3, 2017

Thursday, Facing reality

     If you will notice, I almost made my goal of saving $1500.00 in July, but alas did not arrive home to bank until August.  I actually came home with $118.00 in cash so $100.00 went to savings, and I also was able to put another $400.00 in savings from paycheck.  I would love to be able to save another $1500.00 this month but we will be gone so much and we have to pay to travel.  I have to pay back CC I used to travel last week.  We only had one night in a hotel and a few meals out so other than gas we did really well.  It is nice to travel with people who have your same goals in mind.  Well with the exception of eating way too much pastry (my fault).

     So the goal this month is to save $500.00 and even that may be tight.  We will see and I will do my darnedest to make that higher.  I just have to really watch my pennies. 

     It is hard  to come back from a great vacation and get back into the swing of things.  I did not sew much yesterday and I need to produce today.  I needed to help at the studio as the new owner is down with the crud.  So I was there last night costuming and rehearsing for a performance tonight that I will have to attend and help with.  I am also going out to dinner tonight with my sister and mom and my sister's foster /child as it is her birthday.  Money out, money out.  Dang and I want money in, money in.

     Our sprinkling system has developed a leak at it's source and water is SOOOO expensive here so we have had the city and the sprinkler company out here and they will come again.  I don't want to see next months water bill or the company bill.  Great!  Have you noticed that it is always water with us?

     I am going to make dinner for my dance studio owner as she has 5 kids and a husband and is going through a rough time with her health.  So between trying to clean, sew, cook, bathe and watch dancers and go out to dinner this evening it will be a busy.

     Mom, Lil sis and I are going back to Missoula tomorrow for the weekend to let mom see her brother.  We will stay with a friend and that will help with expenses.  Mom will pay for gas.  I will just have meals and snacks. I will try and keep it cheap.  We will come home Monday.

     Well I had better get busy as the work does not do itself.  Darn!

Have a great and productive day!



  1. Forget cleaning and let your mother pay for the birthday dinner for both of you! I would let your mother pay for the whole trip! She has it; you don't. Don't you hate to be encumbered by thoughts of work people coming to work! I would be standing there watching to see what was the problem. I think if I had not been watching during some repairs, I would have been paying for work that was the fault of the original installer. I know it is hot and you are overburdened, but still--watch. I know they are all nice and trustworthy!!! Watch! They probably won't like it. Take a lawn chair and glass of tea and WATCH! Good luck with all you have to do.

    1. I am just shaking my head over the water situation. I will make mom pay don't worry.

  2. I honestly don't think I could keep up with you! If energy was contagious, I'd come hang out with you for a few days...whether you'd like it or not! Lol. But, hey, at least like you said, you'd be around a like-minded person!

    1. I am exhausted right now, just over did it today!

  3. You are like the energizer bunny, Have a fun trip

  4. RE: Line has been Drawn....NO ONE can keep up with Kim.
    No One.
    I will need to take to my bed once I get home. ;-)

    1. I am going to bed early tonight, I am so wiped out.

  5. I hope you got some rest last night! Sounds like it was a very busy day!

    1. My back is killing me and I have to travel today, Ugh!
