
Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday, pounding head, money saving madness

     When you run a business out of your home you really don't get a day off.  My head is pounding.  But I did get a full 8 hours of sleep last night so nice and unusual for me.  I have a had two customers here one while I was in the tub. Thank goodness Hub's was able to take car of it.   

     I was asked to teach tonight but I am not up to it.  I feel bad turning it down, but I just can't with the vertigo added by this cold I would probably just make a fool of myself.  Which I do regularly but not on purpose.

     I am sending hub's out on errands this morning.  I need stamps and soda a large soda from McD's will make me feel loved I think.  We will have pasta for dinner, with left over sauce.  Now I can just go into neutral and do what I can. Hub's can also bring up the laundry and take down the dirty and take down the baby's crib and put it and the high chair away.  Maybe straighten the kitchen. Hmmm.... change the sheets in the guest room, I could keep going with this.  I even had him cutting out lace motifs last night as my eyes hurt.

Onto Money saving madness:

1. Fed all table scraps to chickens
2. Cooked form my cupboards almost exclusivly
3. Picked plenty of produce from garden and either used or froze for later.
4.  Made a huge pot of spaghetti sauce using my own garlic, tomatoes,onions, peppers, two kinds of squash, and the grass fed ground beef I bought for 1.99 a lb.  Fed us twice last week and also another family and tonight so that is great.
5. Made many items from scratch to eat and enjoy.
6. Helped sister save money by re purposing curtains.
8. Bought more burger on a 1.99 close out.  Sorry Anne I just could not pass it up. Hub's batched and froze it for me.
9.reused plastic containers all week, not one tupperware.  This really works.
10.Made the move to lower an interest rate on an major debt.
11. purchased a couple of Christmas gifts at a second hand store where they re purpose and paint items.
12. Actually only spent $33.15 at grocery store due to challenge with Anne in the kitchen.
13. Culled out several old blouses with stains and paint to help with clutter also rid Hub's of several really worn out short sleeve shirts.  Clutter costs money and time.
14. Picked up 4 new short sleeve shirts for Hub's at close out prices of $5.99 for next year.
15. Happened onto two beautiful larger white ceramic  flower pots at K-mart.  $1.49  I usually buy pots second hand and spray them white.  These were originally $9.99.  My plants need to be upgraded to bigger pots.

So I have been busy.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. Hope you feel better soon.. I agree........... nothing like a soda from Mc Donalds..
    The spaghetti sauce sounds good. Made me want spaghetti for supper... I have some ragu... that will have to do.

    1. Ah Ragu the choice of the desperate mother. Thanks for the warm wishes

  2. Gravy from KFC makes me feel loved. I think maybe your holding in about what your mother is doing is causing you so much stress you just become ill, at least cannot recover. How is she doing? How is she making you crazy? Maybe you need to vent here. It is easy to tell you are very ill if you are turning down work. I am staggering around, too. It is good hubs will help you.

    1. Actually mom has been fine lately waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  3. I'd bring ya a DC is I lived closer......hugs!

    1. And chocolate.....and a doughnut... and a pastry.... another pastry

  4. I'm sorry about the headaches and vertigo and hope they both go away and stay away.
    Your husband sounds quite helpful, many men would not and could not cut out lace motifs.
    I am loosely doing the Shelf-tember cook at home challenge too. I've used up some neglected ingredients and found some ingredients I didn't remember buying. I've spent about $50 all September for groceries and our only eating out has been 1 Little Caesers pizza.

  5. Feel better! This morning, DH read me an article explaining why McDonald's Coke tastes better than anywhere else!

    1. I just read that Coke/McD article to someone who said other places besides McD do the same thing. I don't think he knows what he is talking about. After all, this WAS on the internet where everything is true!

    2. I have heard the debate but I am telling you theirs just tastes better.

  6. I'm sorry you've been under the weather! I hope you feel better soon.
    You are the most productive woman I know... :)

    1. It is an illness, I tell you I will go to my grave with a list and a needle in my hand.
