
Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday, Money saving Madness!

    Good day to all of you on this crisp clear fall morning.  The sun is shining and it is beautiful outside.  This is God's way of saying, " Life is grand".  I wish I could spend more time outside in this glory,but alas one must work.

     We had a busy weekend, between sewing and cleaning and daughter,husband and baby.  It was so much fun seeing the grandson.  He is so funny and cute.  After I finished a few things in my shop I cleaned the entire house.  I did not deep clean.  I really tried not to get too over involved in the cleaning.  I did not have a give the mouse a cookie melt down, which as you know is apt to happen when I start anything.  I really tried to control myself.

This is a picture just outside our frontroom window.  The oak tree is ablaze.  I just love this tree.  Actually I really do love trees.  I even suffer from tree envy.  Hubs will not let me plant any more trees in the yard.  "sniff"

Soon the Halloween things will be down (I just turn the pumpkins) It seems hard to believe that October is almost over.  I purchased the two pictures at an artists shop in Fredricksburg.  I just loved them.  I remove pictures and replace during the holidays.  Keeps the room from getting overwhelmed.

     This last week was so hectic mostly with sewing and mom's A-fib spell.  But I stuck to my money saving ways.  Here are a few things I did this week to stay frugal.

1. Cleaned and decluttered my summer and winter clothes (too much leads to waste)
2. Cooked all meals from scratch at home except for one meal .  Which was expensive but made mom so happy so worth it.
3. When daughter called to say they were on there way in and asked if we had eaten, I quickly grabbed two bags of my homemade spaghetti sauce out of the freezer and thawed them in hot water.  Then I threw together a triple batch of rolls.  One dozen made into french buns, and two dozen cinnamon rolls. Before we would have gone out.
4.Stuck to only buying loss leaders at grocery store. We spent $67.13 on groceries this last week.
Two roasts with 50% off stickers.  4 whole chickens at .67 a pound.  Cod marked 50% off, apples and grapes and .69 a pound. Then a few needs like celery, milk etc.
5. Made three dinners and desserts for a bed rest mom, all from scratch with pantry and freezer ingredients.  Bless others
6. Used 50% off coupons on everything at Jo Ann's.

7. Traded for another jar of honey.  This now makes a gallon of honey this year. Honestly,  I do a little mending job and the guy brings me a quart of honey. I feel like I am taking advantage of him.  I use honey when I make bread.

8. Pulled all of the harvest from garden.  Still have some potatoes in the ground, but when I clean the garden I will find them.  We will have squash for months.
9. all food scraps from cooking went to chickens who are only giving us 2 eggs a day now.
10. Went with mom to her church pumpkin patch and bought a very over priced pumpkin but wrote it off as a donation to church.  As much as I have complained about pumpkins I will actually grow some next year.  I will use it to make pies and freeze what is left over for later.  Still cheaper than buying canned pumpkin.
11. touched up my own roots to save on a hair color.

     What have you done this week that is frugal?  Did you do anything unusual?  Not like eat bugs unusual, but different to save money and not waste?

Tomorrows post is on the pantry principle.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Awe!!! I'm so glad you got to see the grandson!

    1. He was the best and the cutest just like your little monkey.

  2. Daughter #1 here...Mom, I love you, but you are even crazier than I thought. You are the busiest person on earth and you are baking your own bread? It's $1.28 a loaf at WinCo. TIME IS MONEY MOM! But at least you are brave enough to admit that you get totally sidetracked while cleaning. (o:

    1. Actually bossy miss, I don't bake bread on a regular basis any more as Dad is pre diabetic and he was eating too much, because who can resist home made bread? I was making rolls and cinnamon rolls and they were great. I know I ate 6 of them. But I would save money baking bread. As you can bake it for about .50 a loaf. So take those very expensive shoes you are wearing and....

    2. Haha aaaannd your sister will find them on fmvgs for 75% off!

  3. Such a pretty tree. Our leaves are long gone. We are now into our snowy season. I'm impressed that you even change up your wall decor!

  4. And the spaghetti dinner you made was delicious �� the home made rolls are always a great touch! I had like 6... I was frugal by sending my husband down to my mother to have all of his uniforms altered �� Last week I went through all winter and summer clothes, crawl space closet was redone for winter and holidays, and I bought a few Christmas gift off of my neighborhood garage sale Facebook I get such great deals! Lulu lemon wool jacket for my baby sister for 40$! Prana flannel for hubs new with tags 15$! Insane what people get rid of!

  5. I am so proud. Sniff, now if your older sister could just be convinced....

    1. Hey I shop sales. Over half my wardrobe came off a clearance rack.

  6. I love the daughters' comments!
    Now I am going to take the tags off a couple of never worn things I am taking to Goodwill lest someone think I am insane. Hahaha (maniacal laugh)

    1. Yeah they found the blog and it promises to be entertaining. The oldest is an attorney and sarcastic is her language. The middle one is hysterical all the time, the youngest is worse.

  7. I love the daughter comments, too. LOL I'm impressed that you could pull the spaghetti sauce out of the freezer, bake bread and cinnamom buns, and whip up a meal just like that. I dream of being you. :-))

    1. Please don't I am a hot mess. My daughters will testify.

    2. HOT mess. A loveable hot mess though.

  8. I have been giggling reading your daughter's' comments. Your family sounds like mine! Good job on getting all done that you were able to. I was wondering, do you shop at the Grocery Outlet store?
