
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday, back at the hospital


Nice organized winter closet, wool suits,dresses, ready to go. See something does get done around here.

  So mom did her usual every 2 month A-fib stint last night.  She has just not felt well the last couple of days.  I have taken her out in the car and she stays in the car while I run errands.  Usually she will get out at , at least one stop. Yesterday she did not eat hardly at all and cancelled a baking day with a friend. She was sick after a little dinner and finally at about 8:30 I call Lil sis as I could not calm her down.  We ended up in ER until 12:30 last night.  I sent Lil sis home about 11:00 as she had to work today (because I don't work)and she has been so sick with a bad bronchial cold.  She just needs to rest more .  Anyway I went home as mom wanted to sleep and I felt they would admit her.  Then she called at 7:30 this morning.  I am not a morning person.  Blah!  So up and retrieved mom.  They had not admitted her but kept her in the emergency room.  She is now home asleep in her bed and I am awake.  So tired.

     I have to make an illusion neck line for a wedding dress today, and I have levis to hem and a couple of formals to alter.  I also forgot about a Halloween costume I need to make, Ugg!
It just never ends.

   I did get one bag of garden trash loaded yesterday and a bunch of things pulled.  It is pretty muddy out there. So it is hard to clean right now and then try to come in and sew.  I just don't get much outdoor time during the week.  Hub's could do more, grrrrr!

     We had bean soup from the freezer last night and it was so good. Tonight it will be meat loaf and I have to make up a couple of dinners for a lady at church who is on bed rest with her second baby.  I took out a huge package of hamburger and will do two meat loaves and a tater tot casserole.(Tater -tot casserole is something I would never make for my own family but I make it to take out ) I have muffins in the freezer and I will scare up a dessert of some kind. I have so many cake mixes, I am sure I can do something nice with one of them. 

  As I have had three phone calls already, and a police man here for tailoring, oh and another phone call.  I am blessed with work!  Blessed I tell you.  I am not blessed with sleep.

   Things I want:  To work outside in the Autumn sun
   Things I need: sleep, patience:)

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative



  1. When you were little and your mom made you take a nap I bet you never thought that someday sleep would be a luxury instead of something someone made you do. I am so glad you have a lot of work even though you want to be outside, since we all know work = money. Also so very sorry about your mom's episode

    1. I know I remember sleep became a luxury about the age of 13 when I started working.

  2. What do you mean by "calm her down"? Sleep makes everything better for me. I hope you get a sufficient amount to do your work and feel okay. Doing anything dead for sleep makes me grumpy.

    1. Mom gets very agitated when she goes into A-Fib. She will not listen to me. She will listen to Lil sis. The doctor says that is because she lives with me. If she lived with Lil sis it would be the other way around.

    2. I understand how she will listen to your sister. You don't just want to work outside in the Autumn sun, you NEED to do it as a mental health move. Let some of the inside cleaning go and go outside. You can clean when you cannot go outdoors!

  3. I'm so sorry you've had another rough round with your mom. Wish we lived closer and could trade patients for a day. My Hubby has quickly shown his impatient side and I find myself reminding him I am a RETIRED nurse! Lol

    1. Aren't men grand? Stomach muscles really hurt when they are cut. Everything you do depends on those core muscles,sneeze, cough, laugh, go potty:)

  4. I'm sorry your mom was in the hospital. I hope everything is okay. Your closet looks so great! Mine is a mess.

    1. She is upstairs cleaning the kitchen right now? Go figure?????

  5. Hope your mom is feeling better.. and hope you were able to get some rest..

  6. If she lived with Lil sis it would be the other way around.

