
Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday, In love with..

I am in love with the new food saver Hub's parents gave me for Christmas. I have wanted one of these for a long time but have never wanted to spend the money.  Now that I think of it Hub's parents always send every family a check for Christmas.  But for the past several years they have bought us a really nice expensive gift also.  I have received my bosch mixer and my wheat grinder,my new dehydrator a nice sized check to help with the kitchen remodel.  Hub's mom always wanted me to remodel that awful kitchen.  They have purchased leaf blowers and nice outdoor equipment for hub's also.  For two of the most frugal people I know it is over the top generous. I hope the other kids don't find out I think there will be jealousy.  It makes me wonder why?

     Anyway I segue, This is such a neat tool for separating large packages of sale meats and freezing.  I will also use it for piecrusts, and spaghetti sauces and veggies from the garden.  It will save money on freezer burn and spoilage.  Yippee!!

     I have a horrible headache today which is why this post is so late. I took some medication at the wrong time this morning and I have paid for it all day.  Won't do that again.  Lil sis just came to get mom for the weekend.  Mom is failing so rapidly it scares me.  I think we are going to have to go to a wheel chair very soon. I just get teary thinking about it.  I could tell when Lil sis picked her up she was shocked by her behavior and her ability to walk.  I guess it is such a slow progression for me I don't notice it as much.  I hate it, I just hate it and I don't hate many things, but this is so hard and awful.  To watch a vibrant, talented, intelligent person, just waste away in mind and body.  It is heartbreaking and very, very hard.  Blow nose now.

     Now for the rest of you enablers.  Not one of you chastised me for buying the meat at the store.  Just because I got three wonderful London Broils for less than $3.00 a piece does not mean I should not be reprimanded.  Oh, don't' forget the package of three New York steaks for $2.54. And the extra pound of cod. Okay, so maybe I was just wanting to use my new toy. Justification, I am very good at it.:)

     The shop was very busy today of course because I had a headache and needed to get several things finished up.  It always happens to get very busy when I am not feeling super chipper. But my excuse for forgetting was....

     Hub's had a bad choking episode last night and we were on alert to get to the ER for about three hours.  Finally he was able to pass the food.  I told him he had until 10 pm and then he was going to the hospital.  So I see another surgery soon.  He is being very careful.

     I have to get upstairs and finish the kitchen, I have so many interruptions it is hard to get anything done.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I'm sorry for your mothers decline. Having lost both parents, I know the frief you are feeling, even though I wasn't particualllry close to my mom. Who knows why you are getting the gifts-perhaps she sees how hard you work to keep your own mother's life with as much quality, they want to ease some of your tasks.

    1. That is a thought. She has voiced her wish to live with us if dad goes before her. Why us? I would think she would want to be with her daughters. If she goes first we will definitely get dad no one else will take him and I will have to lock he and huib's in different parts of the house.

  2. It's so hard to see a parent in decline. My Mom was the same kind of energetic, hard working woman. In the end, she was dressing up so the television newscasters could see how pretty she looked. It was distressing to witness.

    What made it even harder was that my brother was appointed Medical POA, so he made a lot of decisions without consulting the other siblings. And what even made it harder was that he could not rein his wife in (she is a nurse know-it-all), and SHE was making decisions too. This was particularly grating to me because she was not a daughter, a blood relative, nor was her name on any legal document. I objected vociferously but was ignored by my brother. Needless to say, we no longer have a good relationship.

    1. I worry about this but think eventually I will be made medical poa.

  3. It's really hard to watch someone you care about decline. I'm sorry that is the path you walking.

    1. It is very hard but I appreciate your warm thoughts.

  4. I remember my mother's first faltering, wobbly steps. At the time, those were an anomaly but also a precursor to wobbly days on end. The first steps I saw cut me to the heart. A wheel chair or transport chair would keep her safe from a fall.

    I think you mil sees how much joy you get from your homemaking skills and knows how much it would ease your burden.

    No, I saw no problem with the food you bought. You will eat it, and then you will eat cheaply bought food. Sometimes, I have the same feeling that I should not buy more meat/cans/whatever. Exbf who is tight with his everyday expenses thinks it is okay to buy the good meat cheaply. So, he would approve. That means you are safe.

    I choked on rice, if you can believe that. Nothing would go down. I threw up until I almost passed out from aspirating it and the pain. It was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. He will have surgery? I had to have my esophagus stretched. That is not so bad. Except he wants to do a colonoscopy along with the endoscopy. No wonder you got nothing done. I feel for both of you.

    1. Hub's has had his esophagus done twice but it is time again.

  5. I am sorry about you mom. Truly. Great deals on meat. Love my food saver. A friend gave me one because she had 2.

  6. I am so sorry your are going through everything with your mother. We have noticed a steep decline in the past 3 weeks with Mom. It is sad and maddening all at the same time.

  7. So sorry for you with mum.Its almost like we get to grieve the the person we lost already. My mum is so different since her stoke. Still capable and independent but a lot more grumpy. I think it changes in the actual structure of the brain. Make me realise how little we are in control of our own personality.
    Also deeply envious of your foodsaver. I think we call it a vacuum sealer (is that what it does?) and I want one!!

    1. Yes a stroke can change a persons personality. I am sorry you are dealing with that. Yes this vacuums the air out and seals in the meat to freeze. It is great!

  8. Oh sweetie. I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I felt the same way with my Aunt Mary (who take care of us after our mother died). This must be such a trying time for you.

    1. It is but I am happy most days that I get to do this for her.

  9. I'm so sorry for your mom and the pain that you feel having to watch her decline, but you are a special lady for caring for her, God bless you. I'm not choking on food, but I am reduced to only being able to drink warm tea and eat soft warm food right now--I have a tooth that is acting up with anything cold. I took a sip of water at lunch and almost lost my mind, it hurt so bad. I have to start looking for a dentist again. Rats.

    1. Sounds to me like you need a root canal. Not fun get that done asap. Nothing is as bad as tooth pain. Thanks for your well wishes.

  10. Wow, that episode with hubs must have been scary! I'm not surprised you have a headache. I sincerely sympathize with your mother - it is SO Hard to watch the decline. My Mom had early onset Parkinson's and the dementia along with the physical stiffness was excruciatingly painful for all of us. She was a published author who lost the ability to say a full sentence - it was not only painful but so unfair. HUGS!

    1. I am so sorry you had to go through that. Thank you for your warm wishes.
