
Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday,Mending, Money saving Madness

    I have had every symptom one can have with the flu and it seems to be on its way out the door.  Yesterday was the first day with out a fever in 5 days, so that was a step in the right direction.  I had to laugh as my fit bit had less than 1000 steps on it and I usually get 10000, but it recorded 11 minutes of elevated heart rate exercise.  How was that?  I mean I have laid on the sofa or in a bed for 5 days now.  Well I decided to go into the laundry room and fold four big blankets, hang a load of laundry and take the blankets up to the linen closet.  This wiped me out and I was a sweaty mess.  Went back to laying down.  That was my 11 minutes of strenuous exercise. These activities usually don't register.  I guess my body thinks it is sick or something.

     I'm trying to decide if I will do anything today, part of me says yes, a little.  Part of me says NO!  I think my lazy self might like laying around a bit too much. Hub's is up trying to clean the kitchen, I will be grateful for the job he does, and then go spiff up after him.  (shh don't tell)

     Money saving madness Feb 19th-25th 2018

1. Used old cottage cheese containers for all leftovers.
2. Made all meals from scratch
3. all food staples and meat came from the pantry stock and freezers.
4. only purchased fresh fruit and veggies from grocer. Also bread
5. Found burger on sale for $2.19 a pound in bulk.  Bought 15 lbs and sealed it in smaller packages.
6. Picked up other beef and pork for 50% off and froze. Now meat is stocked for a while.
7.Got sick and did not spend any money:)  Well that is one way to do it.....
8. Used a visa gift card to buy toilet paper and one large pack of paper towel.
9. Found my hair die on close out bought everything they had.
10. Used my clothesline for heavy blankets and clothes

It was a kind of a bust week with this flu and I can't say that this week will be much better. I do know I am on the mend it is just that I have to take it slow and I don't do slow well.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Oh my goodness you poor thing! Being sick is no fun, especially having the flu. Don't try to do too much, it's not going anywhere so wait until you have the strength. What part of Idaho do you live in, our son and his family live in Idaho Falls. I work in a preschool and trust me, preschoolers are the carriers of many germs haha. It's not their fault, just the parents who send them to school that way. I just got over being sick a few weeks ago.
    Hang in there!

    1. We live in Lewiston, we have a daughter in Twin Falls. We also have sisters in the Idaho Falls area.


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  2. This has really wiped you out, but everyone I know who has experienced this flu has felt the same. Rest and recuperate then you will be back up to the 10000 steps.

  3. The flu this year is so nasty - try not to do too much, you will just end up making this last longer by wearing yourself out!!!

    1. Don't worry, I am taking lazy to a whole new level.

  4. Sorry you have been so sick. Why don't I use empty sour cream and cottage cheese containers for leftovers?! Time to start saving a few of those :)

    1. I'm telling you they are the greatest. Sourcream are great also.

  5. Hey, even sick, you did a lot of stuff. When I was sick, I was able to things--the Redneck says we go on autopilot. Glad you seem to be feeling better.

    1. There were a few days there where I did nothing, and I did it very well.

  6. Even being sick, you work far too hard. Try and rest a bit!

  7. Please rest so you can feel better sooner.

  8. I really hate it when I think I can do something simple when ill, and it wipes me out and feels like it sets me back. Hey, does the fit bit measure crawling? As ill as you have been, it is not called "lazy" when you cannot function. When I just had the flu, it is worst I have ever been. Don't spiff. Let it be.

    1. The first and last time I gave blood, I had to crawl for three days. Everytime I stood up I passed out.
