
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tuesday, The good, the bad and the ugly

     We have record cold temperatures here and the sun is shining with all its might.  By looking outside you would think it was 60 degrees, but when you open the door the wind hits you and it is below 0 wind chill factor.  It reminds me of living in Wyoming.  It is supposed to warm up toward the weekend, but with snow fall in the mountains.  Not that we will get any, just the surrounding areas.

     I really think daughters area could use a little relief on snow fall and cold and it doesn't look like that is in the forecast. So what do you prefer, really cold no snow, or warm with snow?

     There used to be a blogger who did the good ,the bad,and the ugly ,but I don't remember which one it was. I have divided my month which is only 2/3 through into these categories, hoping to give myself a little lift.

The good:
I have met all my financial goals, that in and of itself should have me over the top.
I have had two customers drop off this morning so I have work.
I also took in a remodel wedding dress on Friday, so that is good paying work. 
The sun is shining. 
I have only been asked to do 6 things for mom this morning.  She dressed herself in summer  clothes,  I did not argue and then I made her put a sweater on. She is so positive it is warm outside so I am going with her happiness right now. 
Living on my storage has been great and has certainly saved money and allowed me to really progress in my debt pay off.
We still have plenty in the staples storage.

The bad:
I could use more work in the shop. 
We are running out of meat in the freezers. 
I am down to about 8 whole chickens,one lb of burger and a huge ham.
Hub's will only stand so much chicken, although it is my favorite. I pulled out meat for the week and took stock and I must start looking for a ground beef/beef sale.
So besides just buying dairy, fruits and veggies, I now must add meat, which will not allow me to save as much.
My pink pig bank is starving.  I put all my spare change in her and she has hardly been fed as I am not spending very much money.
My Christmas and stuffer drawers are really empty because I have not been adding super sale items to them.  Don't know when I will start this again.  It really does make for a great and cheap Christmas but getting that home loan paid off is more my precedent right now.

The ugly: 
Dental bills
Unexpected dental bill of $191.00 ( my fault)
Hub's new bill also $191.00
upcoming dental bill $282.00 due by the 6th of March
My emergency fund is down to $200.00, I am waiting for tax refunds to get it back up to $1000
We had a bad wind storm over the weekend and one of our coop doors blew open, we lost a chicken.
Mom's memory continues to fail.

There you have it, my financial life in a nutshell.

I have work to do so I had better get busy and quit complaining.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. The good and bad kind of offset each other, even though I truly believe there is more good than bad. I have decided that I am only going to look for THE GOOD, even though as I say that I am covered up with the unexpected/unplanned party which seems to have grown to about 60 now. The only people I have asked to be there are my mother and TheHub. How'd that happen!

    1. It is all your fault. You are a good hostess a remarkable cook and just a wonderful person, you earned this pickle my friend.


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  2. I love the pink piggy bank with the ribs showing.

  3. There are frigid days when the sun is shining so brilliantly that it is hard to take when the door is opened and it is not warm. It makes me happy when the sun is shining, so I understand her happiness.

    It is never warm here when it snows.

    Ugly happens. We cannot hide from Maybe you can beat the ugly back some! Maybe you can disguise the chicken in bbq or dressing.

    1. If I could find her, but she flew the coop so to speak!

  4. The piggy bank made me smile. I have to say I'd take cold and no snow. I like how pretty snow is but I hate to drive in it. I also worry about my dad. He had a hip replacement last year and is still a fall risk. Yet in his mind he thinks he is twenty. Sigh.

    1. I had one of those. He actually broke his leg fishing and then butt bumped himself up a steep slope found an old shingle and a piece of rope to splint his thigh got on a riding lawn mower and made it to the hospital. He was a never ending bag of tricks.

  5. I prefer warm days with snow. The cold days wear on me. Love your piggy bank picture!

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  7. I think it was Mysti and I. We both used to do the good, bad and ugly. I love the piggy bank... LOL!! Yesterday was cold and bitter here. Ugh.

    1. I knew it was someone, thanks for the reminder. I miss Mysti.

  8. I don't mind cold days with lots of sunshine and blue skies. We have plenty of that in Minneapolis in the winters. What I could not tolerate was the northern California climate, where we lived for 8 years. The winters were cold, rainy and gloomy. Not as cold as MN, but the constant rain would just chill to the bone.

    1. Yes the overcast skies and constant rain can also be a real downer here.

  9. Kim, I hear you on the cold weather. Up here we still have snow with lots more coming this weekend. I had thought about coming down your way this weekend but the thought of driving in the snow on bad roads take my anxiety way up there. I'm going to stay put and binge watch movies. ;)

    1. It will be awful and the drive on the roads you would be taking is just nerve racking. Also I have the flu, just started tamaflu. I wanted to take you guys out to Effies!
