
Monday, March 26, 2018

Monday, Officially 60 and money saving madness


Well I am officially 60.  I don't feel 60.   I guess I need to change my blog status.  I started this in my early 50's and look where I am now.

     I finally figured out what was wrong with my cell phone.  Here is a picture of the cushions that Lil sis and I recovered, there were two additional ones for a chair.

     It was a super fun weekend, but so much work.  I was pretty wiped out Saturday and Sunday. Friday afternoon I finally got the silver polished.  Funny it has been dirty for so long it almost blinded me when I went into the dining room.

 Saturday, I was up to finish off a salad and make rolls for the chicken salad.  All the girls were here helping and it was so fun to listen to them kibitz with one another about decorations and things.  The grandsons were big help (not) . I enjoyed them anyway. The open house started at 4 and went until 9.  It was a full house most of the time.  Lot's of good food and chocolate.  The weather turned out nicer than we expected so people could enjoy the warm weather on the deck.  My Lil sis rented a chocolate fountain which was a big hit with the kids.  I received many, many flowers and cards.  I can't wait to plant some of the plants I received.

He is getting so big.
This is our youngest and we love him to death.
  I had my eldest grandson cut the Easter grass which I plant every year.  Then he and his little brother decorated the grass. There is way too much cake and chocolate in this house and I am truly suffering.  Why does no one believe me?  We had a professional photographer at the party so I will post some pictures when we get them.  It was nice to have a picture taken with my twin and my sister and mom.

Mom has been at sister's most of the last week and it was so nice.  She will come back today.  I have to rip and strip beds.  Hoping Sis will do it:)  The house looked like an explosion had hit after the party.  My three girls and I put food that was left away and got things covered.  Then collapsed into bed.  Both the younger two left on Sunday.  The youngest had 4 sets of overalls that needed to be shortened so I did 16 hems and then helped her with her rubber safe suit.  She needed to adjust it to fit, without cutting as she has to avoid contamination. After she left I laid down for about an hour.  Then later Sunday evening The eldest daughter and I really cleaned the house.  Hubs was  at orchestra.  All that was left when hubs came home was the kitchen floor and the vacuuming.  Hub's is doing that today.

     My girls spoiled me rotten, and I received a Cuisinart dark blue large roaster, a lulu lemon coat, a feel good lamp (supposed to simulate sunlight) a pair of pinking shears (which I really needed), some darling Easter  decos from my Lil sis, plus lots and lots of chocolate.

     My son in law replaced 4 of the nasty doors in our house. We have an older home built in the late 50's all the doors are those hollow birch doors.  They have dents and breaks and have dog chew marks.  They are just gross.  So Son-in-law took the 4 worst ones down and I was able to get them replaced.  They are so beautiful.  They are nice doors with new handicap handles and they actually lock.  There are 7 more doors to replace and every time son-in-law comes down he will replace a few.  I was shocked as the cost was a lot less than I imagined. It was a round $425.00 that was my gift from Hub's.  He offered to buy me a piece of jewelry but this was way better.  I was so excited.

     Monday's money saving madness March 18-24 2018
1.Ate most meals at home.  Was treated to two meals out.
2. pulled almost all food for party from pantry.  Spend $40.00 on extras needed
3. Continued working on bathroom rug I am making.
4. received a $25.00 refund check I asked for.
5. Used my clothesline to dry heavy things
6. stayed home almost all week, hardly drove my car at all
7.Had son -in -law replace doors that a contractor had given me over $1000.00 bid to do.
8. Fed all food scraps to chickens.
9.Pulled out Easter things old and new. New things were purchased for 90% off.
10. saved as much tissue paper and gift bags as I could from party to reuse.  (my kids make fun of me)
11.  Used many,many cottage cheese containers to store party leftovers.  It was great because you don't have to worry about getting them back.
12. Saved a beautiful Easter egg shaped cake D#2 had made for Easter dinner.  I froze it!
13.De cluttered some things from the house.  Some went to the girls, some to the trash and some to goodwill.

      I have a very busy week in the shop so I had better go and get busy.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Such a nerd.....wants new interior doors over jewelry. We are so alike! I wish I had someone(Hubs, son, son in-law, etc.)who could/would do handy stuff around the house.
    Too much cake and chocolate? No such thing.....
    I wished u happy birthday on F/B but I don't know how often you check that so I'll say it again, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I'll save the singing of it for when I see you again. ;-)

    1. Thank you and I really miss you. Trying to think of when we can get together again.

  2. Happy birthday to you! I turned 60 in December and I don’t feel 60 either.
    No wonder you’re tired, you did so much!
    I’d rather have nice doors than jewelry too.

  3. Sounds like a great birthday. My friend says she looks in the mirror every morning and exclaims in surprise, “ who IS that old woman!” 60 ain’t old. It’s “classic”.

    1. You are so right Dee I am classic, like an old Chevy with the wide trunk.....

  4. Christmas my precious 7 year old granddaughter climbed into my lap after taking my photo and smiled soooo sweetly and said, “I love you so much Grandma, and now I have a picture to remember you by forever.....after your dead.....because you’re 63.....and that’s REAL it’s a good thing I took a picture of you today.....before you die.” I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. You just got to love the sweet innocence of a 7 year old

    1. I read this to my friend who was here today. He absolutely loved it and roared with laughter. He is 64, so it particularly hit home.

    2. My grandkids are always telling me how they are going to help me when I use an 'adult walker'

    3. Well you a all set then Little Penpen! My 5 year old granddaughter once told me with delight that she has a GREAT grandma in Colorado, then adds quite conversationally, “she has a smooshie face!”
      Say what? I asked and in turning find her with her hands smooshing her face in all manner of ways. Um, baby, those are called wrinkles. “Yes,” she shouts delightedly . “ Smooshies! LOTS of smooshies......kind of like you and my other Grandma......only not so many smooshies.....just kind of smooshies right here, and right here....and.....”.

    4. You are definitely in the crypt keeper category.

    5. I think that is what my nieces called my boobs after nursing.

  5. I would have taken doors over jewelry. Who needs jewelry when doors are given? that silver knocked my eyes out. What is this Easter grass thing? Is that the wheat grass? Is this religious or secular thing? I am confused. How do you decorate it? Help me understand.

    1. That is because you and I are so much alike. It is wheat grass. It is just a family thing. Mom did it for us as children. We put in little figurines of rabbits and eggs. Like a little rabbit village.

  6. Congratulations, you're 60!!!!! I loved my 40s, reveled in my 50s, but since I turned 60...WOW! You are gonne love it!

    1. Enjoy it because you have no idea how soon you will be 70. Ask me how I know. And, I am well on my way to 80. It feels so bizarre.

  7. Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful birthday and weekend albeit exhausting but all worth it.. Again, happy happy birthday :)

  8. I began my blog back in 2007 with preschoolers and small children.
    Now even my youngest is driving. Sixty will be here before I know it.
    I hope it brings grandchildren, too!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

    1. Isn't it funny how fast time passes. I started the day my eldest grandson was born and he is now 7 yikes!

  9. Happy birthday!

    (PS your silver looks beautiful against the gray wall. And the cushions are lovely.)

  10. Happy Birthday. Enjoy your gifts! I love the doors as a present. One Mother's Day I got exactly what I asked for,4 gallons of forest green wall paint and 1 gallon of white oil paint for the woodwork. The gift did not come with any offer to help with the painting though.

    1. LOL....that would be my luck Anne, the paint but not the manpower to use it.

    2. Forest green who can forget Forest green? Remember gold, avocado, and orange? Or how about ducks? Thanks for the birthday wishes.

  11. Happy birthday, Kim! Wow, what a day (ah, weekend!) you had! I prefer practical gifts, too. As for chocolate, well, that is just a basic need. Glad your family made sure you have enough to last for (hopefully!) a bit. Lol

  12. Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration! I would take door over jewelry also. I've very practical.

    1. Well you can only wear so mush and then you have to worry about it.

  13. Happy happy birthday! And I, too, would have chosen the doors over jewelry! I'm glad everyone spoiled you for your special day!

  14. Yeah, Kim, I’m with you practical gifts are better at this point in life. We have lots of stuff already. Actually my number one desired gift is a gift card so I can go buy compost. My husband just shakes his head and says He doesn’t know another man who gives over so much money for DIRT

    1. I always ask for gift cards for Mother's day so I can buy bark and plants.

  15. So pleased you had a special day with your family, Kim. Xxx

  16. Happy Belated Birthday Kim! It sounds like you had a lovely time and got some great gifts. I'm with you on wanting more practical things...I would have been thrilled with new doors too!

    1. Thank you, and I love my doors. Next month I am getting 3 more. Then the upstairs will be done. In May 4 more for the basement. Yeah! Then we start on Windows. yikes!
