
Saturday, March 17, 2018

Saturday, Happy St Patrick's Day!

 Here is the St. Patrick's Day quilt.  I used old napkins I cut up that had stains.  So I cut around those.  I also had a strip bundle I had bought for $2.00 several years ago.  Then I used batting I had pulled from a bed quilt my Lil sis wanted to be not so full.  The backing I bought at Joann's for 60% off and an additional 20%.  The total cost under $20.00.  Of course it is on mom's bed as everything belongs to her.
 I love the green back, green is one of my favorite colors.
 I also found this reversible fabric with polka dots on one side. I love polka dots.  It was believe it was 90% off.  I had a pattern I bought for .99.  Well of course mom wanted it as soon as she saw it and she is so happy.  (for ten seconds). It was really easy to make.  Now I have to wait for another sale so I can make myself one.
Don't look at the mess.  See all the yarn scraps on the floor.  My house is a really bad right now.  Lil sis is over here ripping apart her *&^(%  cushions.

I am starting to cut my towel strips for my bath rugs.  All projects will be done before Monday.  The quilts are done, the coat, the cushions, the rugs. My shop is too full of things to make all the wedding dresses feel comfortable.  Because Wedding dresses have feelings you know.    It will be a crazy busy weekend.  Mom is still cranky but at least Lil sis is here to help me bear the brunt.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.  ( Mom being the negative today)



  1. That is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I tried taking a quilting class but it was WAY over my head since I don't sew. I guess I'll stick to cross-stitch and knitting.

  2. Pretty quilt. No wonder Mom liked the jacket - it's a winner!
    Good job

  3. Well, since everything belongs to her, you never have to worry about who anything belongs to! Nice quilt and jacket. I am glad you caught her ten seconds of happiness. Just a question here and no judgment--why do you not finish money-makers and do favors later? Or, have fun later? I would not have noticed yarn if you had not said it was there?

    1. Because I try to do things that make mom happy. I have enough and I made enough money this week. I also have way too many large messy projects out and about and I need order.

    2. I see. thanks. Like I said, no judgment.

    3. Oh I know it is a relevant question.

  4. Green is the bestest to purple that is.

    I am going to go drink a "real" beer now in honor of my XXX times great grandfather Brian Boru, the biggest deal among long dead Irishmen going back to 900 AD or something like that....Slainte!

    Please try to be quiet tomorrow morning so I can't hear you over here as the leprechauns will be dancing on my head after that beer.

  5. I love the quilt. My corned beef turned out amazing. And I'm drinking a Guinness.

  6. I love your St. Paddy's quilt. It is fantastic.
    Had a wee nip o the Irish tonight along with corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and chocolate mint cupcakes.

    1. Yum, I had a grilled cheese. My sister came and took mom......

  7. That quilt is beautiful (I'm a novice quilter too - am learning very slowly but I love it). Please do let us see your bathroom rugs when they are done. I don't know how you find the time to fit it all in though - those must be Duracell batteries you're running on! Anna

    1. This is my first attempt at braiding rugs, but my great grandmother cut and crocheted bread bags into rugs and they last forever. It is a lot of work, but if you are sitting doing nothing but watch TV it is fine.

  8. Your quilt is wonderful and your mom is such a cutie, modeling her new jacket. It's beautiful!

  9. I love the quilt!! Beautiful!

  10. You do such gorgeous work Kim! Love the coat, and the quilt and wondering what the bath mats will look like - please post pics!

  11. The quilt is beautiful. And I'm glad your mom showed some appreciation for her jacket.

  12. That quilt is so pretty! I can see why your mom wanted it. ;)

  13. I love how your projects turned out!
