
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tuesday, Good things, Do you have a question?

I do not look this happy ironing, but Sis does!
     I was finally able to get some housework done yesterday and get the laundry caught up.  I took mom to her book club and during that 2 hours I was able to pay all the bills and figure out the rest of the month.  Trying to sit and get paper work done is so hard with mom, she interrupts constantly.  Lil sis came a got her at 4 p.m. and I had the evening to get some sewing done.  But I really have to sew today.  So  yesterday was not a total blow off. I would have liked to get more done in the shop.

     I also call the internet company as they raised their rates again and got the plan lowered to $35.00 a month for the life of the contract.  So that will be another $20.00 a month cumulative savings.  I am telling you it pays to ask.

     I was forced to order copper polish on line, but I found out that Wright's will sell it by the 4 lb. tub for $21.00. (Amazon Prime) I was buying a small jar for just under $8.00.  I also went to Rite aid to buy the correct hair color and take advantage of their sale.

  Our Rite aid is remodeling so they had large packages of paper towel 2 for 7.00.  So 16 large rolls for that price.  I bought two even though I am not a big user,  Sis is coming and she will be so happy.  These should last me for at least a couple of years.

     As you can see I was able to pay most of the problem bills yesterday.  I was so surprised that I had enough money to do this.  I have also paid so much extra on the Home/sewer loan that I do not have a payment do until June.  This makes it easier as I don't have a due date it has to be paid.  As every thing else is paid this month except the bills that come out automatically, I can sock any additional monies coming in to that loan. This is so exciting for me.  I know the rest of you are probably thinking, "This girl needs to get a life".

     I was able to get the rest of the cookies frosted while I was making dinner last night.  I have enough  leftovers I won't have to cook tonight, which is always a win for me.

I will count yesterday as a good day even though I did not get as much as I wanted done in the shop.

 I thought Rhitter had a great idea about allowing people to ask her questions about her debt journey.  Do any of you have any questions I can answer about this confusion I live in?  Inquiring minds want to know.......

So I am off to get my machines going.

Have a great and productive day staying  positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I have days that are better than I expected or just enough to call "good" on them. You may have said, but do you get your mother to pay anything for her "keep"? That would help with paying off, saving interest, and maybe make her aware you really do need the money. Just curious. Like I said, you may have said this already. Did you buy the large copper cleaner? or small? I think my WM carries this. Have another good day.

    1. It used to carry the small container but not any more. My mom pays 500.00 dollars a month, that she calls rent. We have a basement apartment that we rented for $400.00 a month no food provided. We pay for all her needs.

  2. Honey, you HAVE a life, you are just living it in a way that can help you have an even BETTER life. Good job!

  3. About the wheelchair, I am looking for a good one, light, and cheap for exbf. I will have to shop and find one so he can pay for it. He does not need anything heavy or heavyweight. He is not at all overweight and will use it little. Can you tell me where you got it and price? Thanks.

    1. We got ours at Walgreens on sale for under $100.00. But I know I have seen them at second hand stores.

    2. It's too difficult for me to shop second hand stores. Thanks for giving me an idea of what works.

  4. Hey sweetie! Thanks for the shout out! I do have a question - how long have you had your studio?

    1. I have always taught a dance class no matter where I lived or for how long. I worked for the University of Idaho's dance department for 11 years and then opened my studio for another 11 years. It will go into full ownership next September.

    2. I went to U of I and loved it there! I took a social dance class with Jim you by chance know him?

    3. No that was before I started teaching for them. I was probably In Montana or Wyoming when you were in school.
