
Friday, July 20, 2018

Friday, Finally catching up!

     I have had two wedding dresses go out yesterday and I only have 5 more in the shop.  Oops!  I have 6 one more just came in.  So other than a slew of bridesmaid dress to go out I am finally catching up.  The shop is still very busy but I don't feel too far behind.

     I think I can slow down a little and spend some time working on this house and in the yard.  Which really needs some love right now.

     So today I have the littles and they are all over the place. I will try and get some laundry and ironing done in between running and saying no, no.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative,



  1. Wishing you well getting caught up, but I have a feeling you never get caught up as people continue to bring items into the shop. It a good thing, though!
    Have a great day and if you read this late tonight, have a great tomorrow!

    1. I did no sewing but many people picked up so that was nice.

  2. Glad you are getting caught up on work. I bet this is one of your busiest times.
    Enjoy the young-ins!

  3. I'm glad to see the shop is busy so that it will be a welcome distraction. And also good for the debt payoff plan. Love you!

  4. I'm tired after reading your posts. Good luck.

    1. That's the whole idea Sam you either hate me or get busy:)

  5. Busy, means money so that is good!
