
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Wednesday, I actually accomplished something!

     I really sewed yesterday.  I mean I actually got things done.  Not half done and then meh.... but done!  All the police uniforms are done. A bride dress is done. Pants are hemmed. I cooked dinner.  I cleaned out a cupboard.  I completed something.  I paid all the months bills.  I sent Hubs for stamps. I picked all the green beans.  I may survive this.

     I have Hub's account back up to where it needs to be so 1/2 my goals are reached for the month.  Now I have to work on getting my emergency fund back to $1000.00. Right now I only have $400.00 in the account.

     Our good friend who was best friend at our wedding just lost his mom, she was 99 and just 6 days short of 100.  We will attend her funeral in Missoula next Monday. I feel this might be the year of funerals as Hub's Uncle is very close and Hub's dad is closing in behind him.

     My dance kids are performing this Friday so I am having a rehearsal with them today and tomorrow for a couple of hours.

     Maybe I will try and get some ironing done, as it is in very bad need.  Soon I will be naked not a good thing.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. You did great. You will get back on track soon.

  2. Yup. Do the ironing!!!

    A day like this is the kind that makes me feel good. There's just something about checking off a lot of items on my list. I'm glad you were able to do that for yourself. And, to have finished projects...that's also amazing!!

    1. I am trying and it does help me feel better. I hope it helps you also.

  3. Good on you! I hope you are taking care of yourself.

  4. One day a t a time. You'll have days when you feel lie you can accomplish anything.

  5. I agree with Sam about one day at a time. Be thankful for the good days when your head and heart are in agreement, but it is OK and expected if you have a difficult day too.

    1. Thanks Anne, I need to hear these things. It is okay to just not get anything done.
