
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Thursday, It is done

     We finally got mommy put next to our beloved Fred in Missoula.  There was no chaos with DA brother.  The restraining order was served last Friday and we had smooth sailing all weekend.  Both Lil sis and I I have to go to the court house today at 1:30 to have the order finalized.  I am so done with the drama.

     Our baby brother was not happy with the outcome of the will although all three of us gave him a little something.  But that also is done.  I feel that I have given and given and I am no longer going to be bullied by my mother to support my brothers.  It is a great feeling to be able to make these decisions on my own.

     It was a fun but long 5 days and I was happy to get home.  My new dance students are sweet and I was happy to teach again.

     I have really been eating very poorly since mom died. I stress eat.  When things go wrong I want sugar and carbs and I have been very, very bad.  So I have to be good these next three weeks so I can be bad when I am with Sluggy on vacation.  She knows my need for bakery treats.

     The shop is going to be crazy busy this next few weeks and I will really have to put my nose to the grind stone.  I am going to get right into the shop after this post and assess the situation.  then I will get busy.

     The laundry from the last weekend is started and I know what I am cooking for dinner.  I have not looked at the garden as I am afraid to.

     There are so many different things I want to do, like write a new budget, make up a meal plan, make up a chart for the house pay off.  But all those things can wait until I get a few things done around the yard.

     I purchased moms on a close out 5/5.00 ad some kale to replant the back deck and the flower posts.  They are a shameful mess,  I paid no attention to anything in the yard once mom passed, except to keep up with the garden.

I have work to do.  How about you?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Sounds like you are going to be one busy bee. I bet it will feel get to just get back to 'normal'. Glad you had no problems with DA brother.

    You look out for you and your immediate family from now on - and let the siblings worry about themselves.
    Don't over work.

    1. You said it Cheryl. I feel like I need a start over and I am ready.

  2. Ah yes, my carby sweets addict friend.....there will be bakery treats. So behave for 3 more weeks!

    1. But I really want a sticky bun...

    2. *SWACK* The sound made as I smack that bun outta your hand......

    3. And "Smlooch" the sound of me picking it up off the floor and eating it anyway.

  3. And what's so wrong about sweets? I myself have an affinity for them. Of course, I work out all the time, for the simple fact that I DO love sweets!

    1. I just have not been getting the exercise I need and I don't know why?

  4. In a 150-yr-old will of one of my ancestors, each child was given an equal portion. Several were named and given nothing since they already had their portion. That seems reasonable then and now. Hopefully, since mom is not their to give money, both brothers will fade away and not cause trouble. Well, we can hope.

  5. Hello friend. I am glad all went well. Just take little steps at a time with all the to do's. It will all come together. Blessings!!

    1. Thanks Chrissy, I am trying. It takes time and faith and sometimes the faith will waiver.

  6. Why did your mom favor your brothers anyway? What did you dad have to say about it? Parents can cause so much division and strife in a family when such partiality is demonstrated.


    1. Mom expected way too much out of us girls.She expected perfection. Dad was an alcoholic and mom was tired and thought he should raise the boys. She was embarrassed about their behavior so tried to cover it up with money and help, enabling them a life of lazy abusive behavior. She also had massive guilt about her parenting.
