
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Sunday, Arthritis flare

     My wrists are really on fire this morning.  I slept late and have taken meds and I am waiting for relief. I only had one day of bad pain on my trip, but it looks like if these flares continue I will have to go into the specialist.  It is just so painful, and I get very emotional and teary when I am in pain.  Anyway enough about my aches.

     The farmers market was interesting, but way over my price range.   I don't care if it is organic.  I could not believe the people pulling wagons full of produce.  I thought they could have spent their money better else where.  Or for heaven sake grow your own onions and peppers.  But I am judging and that is wrong.

     I was frustrated with the Rite aid manager in Moscow as I was over charged and he refused to see that I was, so I drove back to Lewiston and took the receipt to the manager of the store here and got my refund.  My sister was laughing at me but $5.00 is $5.00.

     I spent time actually deep cleaning the down stairs bath while I listened to a talk on the lesson I have to give in church today.  So that is off my list.

     It actually frosted last night for the first time.  Maybe that is why my wrists are so sore.  Weather really does affect arthritis, it is not an old wives tale.

     I also added another $500.00 to the house so that goal of paying $1000.00 extra to the house is met for the month. All other monies that come in will be earmarked for paying the trip bills that will come on two different CC's.  One is our local card from our credit union with a 6.5% fixed rate the other is my American express travel card with a %19.00, but I get points to get free plane tickets with it.  So that will be paid off first and I have money to pay both off in savings if I don't earn enough this month. I have enough points for 2 free plane tickets right now.

     I just can't wait to get this house paid off.  I really don't even care about the car.  That will go so soon after the house.  Goals, goals this is what I live with.  Save money any way I can and pay more toward my goals.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.

Peaceful Sabbath


  1. You are doing so good with the finances. AND yes, $5.00 is $5.00! I would gripe as well.
    Have you ever tried CBD oil for your wrists? We both use it, and see so much improvement. It really relieves the inflammation. I even give it to an older cat that had issues - and she is doing great.
    Have a good week.

  2. I wish I had just a smidgen of your energy! I so admire your dedication to achieving your goals. So glad that you had some vacation time. You're doing a great job getting that mortgage down!

    1. Well I just logged on and saw that even though I paid $2000.00 to my mortgage on the 11th it hasn't posted by the 14th ? What?

  3. Judging? The Bible says that by their fruits you shall know them. So, they were hauling a load of fruits.

    I have been thinking a lot this last week about CBD oil, but I think it is illegal in AL. I had so much pain that I only ate cereal for a whole day.

    I don't blame you for getting your $5! It is yours, not RA's.

    1. I know some people will just not fight for their money.

  4. Hope your pain has lessened today.

    1. It is better now but late nights after I have been asleep and morning s can be hell.

  5. Hope you feel better.
    As for the Rite Aid debacle. You have only yourself to blame. You went shopping with Sluggy and I am pretty sure they have a security shot of the two of you. now you are an accomplice to the number one bargaineer on their watch list.

  6. Have you tried taking turmeric for arthritis?

    1. I have tried everything. It is just rampant in my family.

  7. What does “deep cleaning” mean???? I clean my house, and keep it clean, but don’t know if I have ever “deep cleaned”... ???? Maybe I am missing something.

    1. This means wiping down cupboards and moving furniture as all the floor is hard wood. You know not just picking up but really cleaning the corners.

    2. If you now tell me you do this all the time I will come and hunt your anonymous rear down. :)

    3. Kim, that is not what I call deep cleaning! When I was more into cleaning and more capable, I did a thorough clean of cabinet fronts about once a month. I did not have an animal in the house, just three kids. But, I moved all the chairs in the wooden floor kitchen every day to find bits of stuff. Deep cleaning involved things like cleaning each chair leg to get bits of hair and dust that were being dragged around but were not visible to an inspection.

      Deep cleaning is down on my knees with a toothbrush cleaning baseboards, up on a chair and cleaning the door frames, the tops of them, and cleaning tops of doors. My doors have panels in them, six panels, so I took a toothbrush, rag, and vacuum to clean those. Deep cleaning is turning over all chairs to vacuum the dust barrier on the bottom and check for spider eggs and webs. I rarely ever found spider eggs, thankfully.

      Deep cleaning is removing everything from a closet, sorting, hanging back up, and wiping down all surfaces after vacuuming. Also, deep cleaning in the kitchen is not doing a good job on the floor. It is removing every single item from a shelf, rearranging, straightening the shelf liner after I washed and dried it. Then, it is moving onto the next shelf or door, top and bottom. Also, the hinges of my cabinets are exposed. So, I had to use a toothbrush to clean all the dust embedded in fumes that stuck to hinges. They were greasy, so I had to wash the hinges, inside and out of the cabinets.

      Deep cleaning in the laundry room is dragging every single thing out of there, washing hampers, finding socks behind the washer and dryer. Sorting things stuck in laundry room for later dispersion. I fixed the ironing board cover, cleaned the iron, sorted the items on about 36' of linear shelves in cabinets.

      Now, most of this looked fine from the outside. No one ever noticed the dusty hinges except me. No one could see the scales had layers of hair from three with long hair in the house. No one could see layers of dust and hair behind the claw foot tub. It looked clean from weekly cleaning or vacuuming. So, that is why I deep cleaned it.

      To me, deep cleaning means removing everything to the point of nothing existing in the space. Or, flipping furniture upside down and climbing to get things above my reach. It means using a toothbrush as my main cleaning tool.

      Don't get me wrong, I can no longer do all this.
