
Thursday, December 27, 2018

Friday, A little of this and a little of that

  Hub's cousin gave us this old silver for Christmas.  It was given to her and re-gifted to me.  I did not think one of the pieces was silver as it had no plate marking on the bottom, and it turned out to be pewter, but all polished up well and I love the grouping.  I plan on using old silver I collect at second hand stores for flower center pieces and arrangements at the upcoming wedding in August.  Won't this be pretty with eucalyptus, evergreen, wheat, ivy and flowers cascading?  I will do a center grouping for all the tables and a larger grouping for the main table.  I am all into free or recycled.  I can resell the pieces after the wedding.

     I made four loaves of bread and a stew for dinner.  Froze two loaves and will take one with me when we leave for Twin Falls.  I left my crock pot at my sister's after Mom's open house.  So I stood there in the kitchen for a moment stymied and thought I could not make a stew without it.  How crazy is that?  I do have a beautiful Cuisinart dutch oven given to me by daughter, so why not put that to use ?  I mean we didn't have crockpots years ago.  And guess what the stew was great and there is enough for leftovers tomorrow.  My goal was to not buy any groceries before we left. Why do we think we need some things that we are used to?  I had to laugh at my helplessness in discovering that my crockpot was missing.

     We did make a trip to Wally world to get chicken feed, dog food, Kleenex, mouse traps, cat litter,laundry soap which we were low on or out of completely.  It was a stock up buy.  I do not believe in using a handkerchief for colds.  I think carrying around a cloth full of germs just shares the crud.  Kleenex is biodegradable and has saved millions of people from catching colds. It is one area that I disagree with in the saving a tree debate.

     I also had two pairs of police pants come in that had to be done for a new cadet leaving for the academy, and a mother of the bride that had to be hemmed and altered at the bust.  So I whipped those out this afternoon.  I have several just for me projects lined up, as the shop will be slow the next few months.  I have baby blankets, aprons, car quilts to make.  It will be a jump on next Christmas.

     Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. We do get used to our things like crockpots, or garbage disposals and forget how to act when they are not available.
    I am with you on the kleenex thing!

    1. Can you imagine how much better the 1918 flue would have gone if people did not use handkerchiefs?

  2. May you have a wonderful new year!
    God bless,

  3. I'm so glad the silver polished up nice and sorry about the pewter. I'm certainly no expert on silver! lol It looks great! Congrats to D#3 (actually 4) She looks so happy and beautiful;!! Glad your holidays were awesome and hope 2019 is good to ya!!

    1. Hey pewter is great I have a lot of it from Sweden and I will mix it with silver. I am serious about Tony coming up and helping me finish the kitchen. IF he wants to earn a little or a lot of pocket money.

    2. He said he is willing to do it this coming year when the weather is a little better. I WILL MAKE HIM!! lol It's always so fun to be with you!
