
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Sunday, Nice Saturday drive

     Hub's and I took off early for Grangeville and arrived at about 10:15 and did our first inspection.  Then off across the prairies to Kamiah and did the second.  Our third visit in Orofino (I have been spelling it wrong) was a little tough as we could not find the location.  But we persevered.  I napped and looked at scenery while Hub's drove.  We were home by 1:30.

     Lil sis called and she offered to do the fudge and roll out and decorate the sour cream cookies and I said GO FOR IT!  This take much off my plate.  So she came over and got the dough and the fudge things.  Yeah  two less things for Kim to do.  I then took a two hour nap.

     Hub's and I gathered the last few things for the Nativity and took off for the church about 4:30.  The dinner  was awful.  Smoked ham and turkey, which unless it is done right sickens me.  Cold baked potatoes, raw green beans, yum.  Then of course members brought side dishes.   The ones I chose were over cooked mushy pasta salad and a potato dish instant that was so over salted I could not eat it.  But the dessert was cheese cake and made up for all of it.

   The little ones were so cute in their costumes and the star and the donkey stole the show.  I dressed the star in white and then surrounded her arms and body with lighted battery pack lights.  I then placed her on a ladder covered with black cloth behind the open creche. She climbed up over the creche at her appointed time and spread out her arms.  So cute.  The donkey's head was so large he about fell over but this led to the charm.  Tried to make sure the shepherds did not play swords with their crooks, finally split them up.  It was a memorable night for all.

     We were home by 7:30 and I thought , go over to your Lil sis's and help her decorate cookies.  Or get upstairs and make caramels or spritz.  But I didn't.  I snuggled in bed downstairs and watched a movie and was asleep by 10:00 and slept 12 hours.  It was wonderful.

     I am ready for church and we have a couple of appointments tonight to look at missionary apartments, but I will cook in between or after.  Tonight I will do caramels and spritz.  I asked my sister to save me some of the baked sugar cookies to decorate.

Have a peaceful and restful joy filled Sabbath.



  1. Oh my goodness, the play sounds adorable. Glad your sis is helping with the goodies. I say you earned and much deserved that 12 hours of sleep.
    Have a great one

  2. Hey, at least you got baked potatoes. Here in southern Idaho we get funeral potatoes which are gross and inedible. Why everyone likes them is beyond me.

    1. I know. Like take a bunch of sour cream and glob and too much salt and cheese and ruin a perfectly good potato. Just give me a potato.

  3. I am glad you were able to have a good night's sleep and that the cheesecake dessert made up for the rest of the dinner! Love cheesecake!
