
Friday, December 14, 2018

Thursday/ Friday. I am done baking!

     I lost 2.5 hours of time going to rescue a young friend last night, so my peppekkakor remain unfrosted. Don't you love how I change the spelling of the Swedish treats at whim?  I did get the sugar cookies frosted.  But is was a stretch and a late night.
Frosted peppekkakkor

    I need to finish that brides dress sometime today and I  have a friend coming in a few minutes to do the last of the baking.  Rosettes and krumkakke.  Hopefully we will be done in a couple of hours and I can get to the dress.

     The frosting is made up for the cookies it is just a matter of getting them done.  I did get Sissies box shipped and picked up a gift card for a family that just lost everything in an apartment fire.  It was two younger boys and I can't buy for boys.

     I have flannel blankets that mom had started and I am finishing those up as we have 7 baby girls due in our church all in March.  One set of twins.  So I have been working on those in free moments of time......

     This is as far as I got on the Thursday post before I had to go start making Rosettes with my girlfriend.  We baked all day until about 4 p.m. and all of the baking for the open house is done.
I made these krumkakke on an iron while my girlfriend made the rosettes

     Daughter #2 and William came into town last night and my house has been destroyed between William and the dog.  I still have not finished the brides dress which is due out at 1:00 today so I had better get in there and start sewing.  I was just too busy doing fun stuff.

Frosted Swedish sour cream cookies, yum!

Here are the rosettes that friend made.  This is a bugger of a job, so glad she came over.

And look what I found when I pulled the rosette irons and krummkakke grill out of the baking cupboard.....

Moms old cookie press that works great by the way.  I thought she had one that I inherited when we went through her stuff but I had forgotten about it and didn't even look.  So we had a good laugh over this.

So now I have the second hand one pulled from the garbage, this one and I am sure Lil sis ordered one for my Christmas present.  Spritz anyone?

Well I am off to get this dress done.  I have 2.5 hours.  I need to get busy.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. yum, some of my favorites. I didn't know you were Scandinavian.

    1. My parents were both born there, it has been back and forth for the last three generations.

    2. I hope to attemot rosettes tomorrow. Your's are so perfect.

    3. Make sure your irons are hot and then blot the grease before you put it in the batter. Also I can send you my mom's recipe which might be different and seems to work better. If you have trouble, Because they can be a big pain.

  2. Okay, if I give you my address, could I get a care package next Christmas? I know it's too late this year, but I would have an entire year to dream about cookies!

  3. I hope you got the dress done.

    Those sour cream cookies are calling me. All of your cookies are beautiful. I am not much of a baker so I have great admiration for people who can do what you do.

    1. Well I am not a perfectionist I will tell you. But thank you.

  4. Your cookies look so delicious! We make rosettes, too, in my culture! But the recipe has been adapted and the resulting cookies are not sweet! I have a rosette iron, but it has been awhile since I last made any!
