
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Saturday, Shopping

         Both Hub's and I were a little blue yesterday as we realized we were so looking forward to going to Missoula.  But is turned out to be a good call as the friend we were staying with also drives snowplow and he called us about 10 in the morning and told us it was awful.  Now he had told us the day before we were fine.  So when he says it is bad it is bad.

     So Hub's and I went to second hand shops and a few grocery stores.  Nothing crazy and we stayed within our budget.  I did find spiral sliced hams for $5.99 and bought one.  I don't usually buy these as I think they are to dry and salty, but for that price?  Here I have a family coming for dinner on the 24th to help eat a ham and I buy another. However,  we are so down on meat and I am sorry I cannot do chicken yet.  One thing I could not find was a decent buy on broccoli. Dang expensive stuff that.

     I did pick up some candy after the holiday and I will freeze it for baking later. Found a few more pieces of silver for the wedding. Finally made myself get to work on that wedding dress and I have the straps all ready to hand tack and embroider.  It is intense work to cut and design lace to applique over and existing dress. But the straps  are ready to stitch.

     Still no cleaning done here and I really don't know how to motivate myself.  If company were coming I would do it, but as it is just us I let the dust build. Isn't it sad that I  need people over to keep the place up. Do any of you do that?

     What motivates you when you are in a rut?  Blah.....



  1. One of my favorite parts about having friends over is that I deep clean the house, and the family actually goes to effort to keep it that way, for a little while at least.

    1. Yeah that is a good trick. Although our house is always picked up. I am just talking dirty floors, dust and

  2. I do that too. You should have seen me vacuuming Friday night when ya'll showed up in town. lolz
    I will bring you 4 roasted chickens from Albertson's.....just say the word. *snort*

    1. So you cleaned for me? I am touched. No No No please no chicken.

  3. The cool thing about dust is that it will wait - don't rush it!

    1. Well I always told the kids , if they wrote their names in the dust not to put the year.

  4. Cleaning for just the two of us to enjoy? Bwahhhaaahaaahaaaahaa!

    1. I know who does that? So I go over to my ister's and she is vacuuming her stairs. She lives alone in a spotless house. It is a crime.

  5. I hear you on no cleaning. I'm doing laundry from the week, getting absolutes done, but not much else. My plan is to clean hard for three hours tomorrow on my day off, then meet my daughter for an explore, photo, coffee day. No one will condemn either of our houses if we slack a bit.

    1. But I would like to just be inspired to do a little house work.
