
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesdy, Answer to prayer

     Sorry about skipping my post yesterday, I had planned on having the littles yesterday, but daughter #2 called about 6 o'clock Monday evening and was near hysterics.  Her baby was sick, her husband was on night shift and she was down with a bad sinus infection.  My girls all get really wacky when they run fevers.  I did not realize but all three of them had been sick off and on for over 6 weeks.  They had all been on antibiotics and kept passing around different colds and flu.  I think she was overly exhausted, and sick and behind.  The baby had been in emergency room the night before and was refusing to take his medicine, can you imagine that?  A 3 year old who won't take awful tasting meds?

     So I dropped everything and took off for Spokane, after I called the littles parents to reschedule our day to take them.  It is s two hour drive to D#2's house and I was able to get there by about 9 p.m.  Grandson was asleep, daughter was still teary and the house was less than stellar.  She is usually a pretty good housekeeper, except for her dressing room.  I started to get the dishes done and get her into bed on another level of the house.  She really just needed to sleep for about 12 hours. I had stopped and picked up some flonase and some zyrtec on my way up.  She was in bed by 10 and after cleaning the main room I went to sleep in the babies room.  He woke up about 2 and was crying for his mom.  I was so glad she was asleep on another level.  I went in and he told me, "I don't want you!"  My response was," well that is too bad mommy is sick and I am who you have."  SO I laid down next to him and in about 20 minutes her told me he was hungry and thirsty.  I asked him what he wanted and he said milk.  So after that he went to sleep again.  Son-in-law got home about 3:30 and was surprised to find me there, it was pretty obvious that he also had been quite sick for some time. He thanked me for coming up.

     We all went to bed and they slept until about 9:30 which was nice.  Daughter finally rose from her sleep at about 10:30, so after 12 hours of good sleep she was ready to face the land of the living.  We let son-in law sleep and I had daughter lay on the babies bed while I cleaned his room and we downsized a couple of bags of toys and clothes from his closet and toy box.  We then went onto her dressing room, which of course was a disaster.  But I helped her clean and downsize about 4 bags of things and reorganize.  After that we rested for a while and then went up to the toy loft and cleaned out another bag of baby toys.  Then another rest.

     I should have started the laundry sooner but I did not realize how backed up she was with linens.   Her house by the way is HUGE.  Way too big and she realizes this.  They bought it about 3 years ago because ti was such a good deal and already have over 100,000 in equity. But the square footage is daunting.  Her spare room downstairs had been used by guests that had stayed when a family member of theirs was in the Large Hospital in Spokane. So there were two sets of linens for every bed that had to be washed.  Plus all the laundry hampers in the house were over flowing.

     After her husband went to work again we cleaned the master bedroom and put away laundry.  I did the dishes one more time and by 6'oclock I had her the baby back in bed and I took off for home.  Her house was clean and organized and she was on the mend. I left and drove home arriving about 8:15 in the evening.  It was a long hard day of cleaning and I was tired.

     Right before I left I told her to not let herself get so hysterical in times like this.  She needed to pray and ask for help to calm herself down and not get so overwhelmed.  If she would pray she would get guidance on what to do and also the Lord would send the comfort of the Holy ghost to be with her. She said, I did pray and I was told to call you."  Oh I had to laugh I was not the rescue I had been thinking about, but I guess I did come up and bring her comfort.  That is what mothers do.

     The littles are here today and it will be a busy day in the shop plus I have to teach at 4.  So it will be off and on trying to sew where I can.  I will try and get the littles down for a nap about 1 and try and sew for a few hours, before I go to the studio.  I also have to sew this evening in order to catch up a some.

     The good news is I have enough money to pay the water bill and the power bill for the month.  So now I just have a few little bills, doctor, internet,paper to pay and I will do those as money comes in toward the end of the week.  Then anything else will go to the house.

     Well some one has stinky pants and I don't think it is Hub's.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.

Segue: Just got a call from daughter," wear are my scrubs?"  I hung them in the closet all together and the rest are in the laundry, but I know there were at least two pairs of pants and three tops.  Fancy that things hung up?



  1. You're amazing Kim! You always take care of others when you need help yourself! YOU ARE A SELFLESS PERSON! I admire you so much!!

    1. Yeah I need help all right like a bottle of.....

  2. God bless you. You are a sweetheart.

  3. What a wonderful mom and grandma!

    1. Well I don't really know if my grandson appreciated it:)

  4. What a blessing you are. Hopefully, she feels better.

    1. She is much better, and I got to be an angel (of course my hallow is held up by horns...)

  5. I must say that at times you have been the answer to my prays..... ;-)

  6. I have a daughter who never hangs up her clothes also!!

  7. What a blessing you are to your daughter. I'm sure that made her feel so much better to have a clean house and laundry done up. Kudos to you. :)

    1. Well I hope so as now I am behind and I am still a little sore.

  8. I get it! When our kids need us, it is what we do. I hope you also have reciprocation at times as well.

    1. My kids are very good to me. When I had my first major eye surgery the only way I could come home was if my house was disinfected from top to bottom room by room and this daughter then in college (20) did the entire house by herself. On ladders to clean high lights and into corners for every hair and fiber.

  9. Wow! When can you come here?!!!
    I totally get going to help them out. You are amazing!
