
Friday, May 31, 2019

Friday, I made my goal!

     I was so hoping that I could complete another chart by the end of the month, and I was afraid I would not make it.  But yesterday as I was having things picked up that have been here for a while, I was also going over the budget for the month and there was the money to complete this!  Hooray!

     I put $532.00 more dollars on the house principle, so I feel like I am ahead for June.  I still have not been paid by the studio owner for May and I will have to text her.

     We take the boys back today and Hubs will go with them. I am so looking forward to a week without any interruptions.  Well that is not true I will have the shop and all the yard work and the littles, but I won't have to cook and that is a biggy for me:)

     This morning I am going to go pay a few bills and take the laptop down to the computer doctor.  Then we are off.

     Can you tell I am happy?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative. 




  1. I am loving watching you pay down the mortgage. You have done such a great job paying off all your debt.

    1. Thanks, as the yer skips along I fear I might not make it, but I will try!

  2. I have a question. I have been seeing you pay down using these charts for a while now. Are the numbers the same on every chart? Is it like playing Bingo? lol. Looks like I could do something like this since the amounts are in bite sizes. Just a curiosity question. Thanks. Take care.

    1. Thanks for the info. I really have to get in gear. My granddaughter wants a few of us to fly to Las Vegas for her 21st birthday next May.

  3. Yay, you! I love seeing he charts and how much progress you are making!
    A week virtually alone sounds like heaven!

    1. Well it wont' be quite that much now but at least 5 days and that is so nice.

  4. YAY!!!!! You should be so very proud of yourself and your accomplishments. FANTASTIC.

  5. Enjoy your no cooking days ahead, Kim. That would be pure heaven. :)

    1. I actually love to cook, just hate to clean up. I guess it is the obligation that it has to be done that goads me.

  6. Congrats on completing your chart, and enjoy not cooking!

  7. Enjoy your week alone, just you and Roscoe! I wonder what trouble you'll get into hmmmm. ;-)
    And look at you making another chart. 8-))) Now go update your "April" sidebar......

    1. You are such a nitpicky.... okay I will I wish you were here we could really get into trouble.

  8. Well done on the chart! You are making great progress financially.

  9. Congratulations on making that goal ❤️
    Have a great week!

  10. Clap clap clap, bravo and good job!!

    1. I want to see you doing this well and soon you will be, I am so proud of the progress you and your husband are making.
