
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday, Under $20,000!

     I completed another chart and am well on my way with chart #10, so that is a positive in my life as I am surrounded by the negative. Also Look at the balance on the house!  It is below $20,000.  I hope to add another $1000.00 to the principle this month.  It is going down fast now and I am so stoked about it.

     I am not going to allow this set back with the ivy situation to derail me from my goal.

     The sun is shining and there are still potatoes to plant but I have talked hubs into the remaining planting of those little spuds. I have planted all of the garden by myself this year.

     I worked for about an hour on the ivy last night, and got all of the bulbs and most of the seedlings planted for now. I will plant more in about two weeks so we can have a rotation.

     I have to sew all day today as I am behind again and have several things that have to be out before the end of the week. But I will try and get out to the ivy this evening.  I also need to pay several bills for the month.  There is always something to to, actually too much to do. And know one seems to be offering to do the work for me.  Any takers?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Blessings to you. You are on your way to having the house paid off. That is a huge accomplishment. All the best.
    d on the prairie

  2. You are on FIRE paying off the house!
    Way better than actually being on fire.....*snort*

    1. Right now I would like to burn down this house it is such a mess.

  3. well done on getting the house paid down. Once you get close to the end it's surprising how fast the balance drops. Keep up the good work!!

    1. It is amazing to see the figures drop as we pay less and less interest, although our interest is not high.

  4. The house will be paid off in no time. Great job.

  5. You are so close to the finish line on the house! Bravo!

    1. Thanks Val, now we need to sell and find a Hick house.

  6. Just stood up in my kitchen in the UK and given you a round of applause!
    You rock!

    1. Thank you I wish I was there to take a round with you!

  7. Congratulations on the house loan being down so low! We just paid off our little ten acres in the mountains of Southeastern Oklahoma, and we are thrilled.

    1. I am on pins and needles waiting to see if I can get the reat paid off by Christmas.
