
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Tuesday, Let's stay motivated

     Some days I just have a hard time getting anything done.  I know I work better under pressure, but why put myself through that?  Yesterday was a perfect example of me pooping around.  I got into the shop and actually altered and hemmed a bridesmaid dress and then cut the bottoms off of two others and got them serged.  For some reason I just could not get my act together and by 2:30 found myself napping. 

     I did not have to cook dinner as we are still eating off the taco bar, so I visited my Lil sis to see how she was doing and then ran to Penneys to exchange a groomsman outfit that was the wrong size.  I am trying to do something for the wedding everyday even if it is just getting one small thing done.

     Finally when I got home from my evening errands I hemmed the two dresses and altered another and then another.  So I did get the four items done on my list for the day just did them at 8 o'clock at night.  I guess it should not matter when I work as long as it gets done.

     Today I need to alter a wedding dress and it is not a hard alteration, and I have two suit coats that need to be tailored and a couple of pairs of pants.  As I did no cleaning yesterday I will try to fit some of that in also.  Well I did get some laundry done but it is not folded and in a basket. What is wrong with me, I find myself just staring off into space thinking about things, planning and dreaming and not doing.

     I just have to get some things done today as tomorrow will be a bust.  Stay tuned and see if Kim can actually get something done.......

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. We all know you will get stuff done. You run rings around me!

    1. Well it was not my best day in the shop I think I might be a little burned out....

  2. Put some planning/dreaming time into your schedule. Maybe five minutes per hour. To get it out of your system, so you can get back to your many projects, with renewed fervor!

    1. I spend too much time dreaming and not enough time working, but I need to reach a happy medium. I don't mean a gypsy on Prozac.....

  3. You did fantastic! As long as my list gets checked off every day, it doesn't matter when time they get done. You must have needed that nap.

  4. My doctor just told me yesterday to listen to my body and nap when it says nap as long as it's not more than twice a day and preferably less than 30 min.Dad always put his feet up for 20 min after he got off work. It doesn't matter what time you do the work just that it gets done as needed so you are NOT under pressure.
