
Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday, lovely weekend

     I took is pretty easy on Saturday, just getting the nails done and ripping into a few wedding garments.  I also took a nap and Sissie took us out to dinner and it was delicious.  I cooked a big breakfast for everyone after church and as I made a triple batch of overnight waffles I was able to freeze 12 of them for future breakfasts while we have guests.

     Then Sissie and Lil sis and I set op a mock up table outside for how we are going to do the wedding settings.  I want people to now what I want in case I am taken away (in a straight jacket) to do other things.

     The actual tables will be for 8 place settings and we don't have the glasses done yet.  But this gives them an idea of what I want.  The flowers will be bigger this was just a mock up.

     Lil sis and Sissie took all the silver that needs to be polished with them along with the ribbons to make the bows for the flower arraignments that go down the aisle.  We spent several hours yesterday afternoon polishing silver and we are no where close to done.  Lil sis spent her time getting all 48 of the beer steins etched with a large K for the grooms last name.  This way each family has a memento to take home.  Which is so important when most of us don't drink.:)

     I finished the tablecloths that are due out today and after this post I am going to finish hemming the flower girl dress which will be picked up later this afternoon.  Then it is wedding sewing.  I made Hub's try on his grey suit he has not worn since D#2 was married and of course it is too small so I will alter those pants.

     Hubs needs to smoke one of the larger salmon and rip a board in the garage in 1/2 to make stakes that can be pounded  into the ground  for stakes to hold flower arrangements for the aisle. I think we are short about 2.5 feet and I need to get him to buy silver spray paint to paint these.

     Tomorrow we are going to get the briskets so they can be smoked and the junket for the ice cream has arrived.  We will buy all the milk and cream tomorrow for the ice cream and get that organized. Friends of ours are smoking the briskets then cooking and slicing and we will reheat on the grill at  the wedding.  Saving time and anxiety as the Salmon will be cooked on grills at the wedding.


     Blah!  my mind is in a dither.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. The tables are beautiful, Kim. I love that blue color. The beer steins will make a memorable gift for the guests to take home. You must be so excited, I'm excited for you!

    1. It is so much work but I am doping everything myself to save money.

  2. Agree with Belinda - the table settings look gorgeous. You're in the home stretch, friend!

  3. I like the idea of a picture so people can carry on without you. Who is in charge of straight jackets? Just engrave a Coke glass for me. Try to get out of that dither. I hear they are dangerous.

  4. Beautiful!
    You have it all together there, my friend!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Sam. We spent all day making lists and spray painting floral stakes, gathering crystal.

  6. Nice table setting! Great idea to take a photo. My niece had it all in her head and I thought I might have to hurt the bride the day before the wedding. Setting up was a nightmare since she was the only one that had a clue. I may have gotten a little bossy after a couple hours of that mess.

    1. Hey bossy is good and it works. Someone has to boss. I will let you boss me any time.

  7. The table is going to be gorgeous. Love the colors! Good luck!

  8. Replies
    1. We were going to but felt that this was best. My mother is rolling over in her grave.

  9. That's a good-looking table! I think a beer stein makes a good memento. You can drink anything out of it, or set it on a shelf.

  10. Your table settings look wonderful Kim. I think its a great idea to have a practice run & hopefully they WON"T cart you off in a strait jacket my friend!!! I look forward to seeing photos of the special day when it arrives.

    1. I had a melt down yesterday but the Sissies came to the rescue.

  11. I thought you really had an over the top fancy table set up for your picnic table until I read the blog properly. Looks fantastic. This wedding will be so lovely xx

    1. Oh yes we always set for our family barbecues. well the butler does this for us.

  12. The tables do look just lovely. So very smart to have a picture so anyone can set the tables and have the look you want. Wishing you an energy filled, angst free week with perfect weather and sweet and happy guests.

  13. Taking the picture was good. When I was catering I would put the napkin on the plate and the silverware on the napkin with the fork on the left ;).

  14. The wedding sounds wonderful. Your mock up tables look terrific. I wish you and your family all the best the day of the wedding.

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