
Monday, July 15, 2019

Monday, They are in Jail!

     It was an exciting and frustrating morning here.  It started out with a visit from the police to let me know that the purse thieves were in Jail in Washington.  I was to contact them and go over and see if any of my things could be returned.  After visiting the police dept, I was only able to get back one check book and a pill case.  They still have my drivers license.  Upon looking at the check book the little turds had written a couple of checks which of course had cleared for cash.  Now I had called the bank and let them know to be on the look out for this but the forgery was done at another branch.  The monies were returned.

     Then high tail it to the other bank where my shop and savings are to see that nothing had gone through.  It hadn't.  So stop pays are on everything, of course costing more money. I was so hoping to get my key fobs back, but no luck.  I have such a headache right now from the anxiety.

     The dress from hell was picked up and approved, thank goodness. The shop phone has rung off the hook and the shop has been so busy. I have yet to be able to sew anything and it is almost 2 p.m.  It will be a late night.  I have to say I am grateful for the work.

     Here it is a few weeks away from B's wedding and I have no charge cards to purchase or pay last minute things and I am using only cash and then to find out my cash is gone with forged checks.  It is almost enough to send me over the edge.  But I just have to say, I have a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes to wear, I am okay.  I am blessed.  Many others are not so lucky.

     Yesterday I mad a great Sunday dinner which consisted of a steak I had purchased with a 50% off the marked down price making it less than 2.00.  I cubed this and rolled it in flour salt and pepper and made bite sized steak bites. We had new potatoes, green beans, yellow squash, Armenian cucumbers and our first beef steak tomato from the garden.  So the entire dinner for two was a little over two dollars. Our garden is now producing for every meal and the chickens do breakfast.  I am blessed.  I just have to keep telling myself this.

     Now I have to go back to the police station in Clarkston and give the officer the bank papers on the forgery.

     Isn't life grand?  Does anyone else have this kind of chaos, or has had this kind of chaos?  Tell me I am not alone.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. Good that they were caught. I hope they keep them locked up for a loooong time.

    1. Me Too. I will be going to both sentencing s one in Idaho and one in Asotin.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad to hear that they caught the people who took your things. Make sure you cooperate with the police department so those jerks end up with the theft on their records.

  4. Yes! Good to hear that they are locked up, and hopefully justice will be served with a conviction. I've been involved in four burglaries (heh, heh, I was NOT the perpetrator of any of them), and only had one suspect apprehended. I didn't lose any money, only things that could be replaced.

    1. It's shocking how many p[people are victims of crimes.

  5. First of all I am really glad you have finished the awful dress.
    Secondly glad the creeps are locked up, Nice of them to not only use the cards but to also write themselves some checks. They must be particularly brilliant thieves.
    Thirdly, credit card companies usually issue new cards with a new account number really quickly. Fingers crossed they will overnight them.
    Fourthly, when we have repeated things that turn sour My Beloved Sister and I call it being hit by a S^%$ Geyser. Feel free to use it as needed though I do claim all intellectual rights to said term.

    1. Haha, Anne. Your reply gave me a chuckle.

    2. I am currently using you 4th level of hell or is it circle. Do you want royalties?

  6. I'm happy for you that they were caught. I wonder what they could have done with the key fobs?

    1. Who knows. That is the one thing I really want back.

  7. I had someone steal a checkbook from my file cabinet. The ensuing days were nerve-wracking. I lost my purse another time, and I was so upset at losing lipstick. Silly, but I did not have an extra tube. The police coming to my house over the checkbook theft was soooo horrible. I cannot imagine going through what you are going through. Tommy "lost" his wallet last week and he did not have to get a new card, but he did. Maybe things will calm down for you now that you know the police have the guys.

  8. Glad they caught the idiots. Sorry that this whole ordeal is so stressful. Hang in there!

  9. I am so happy that the thieves were caught. Hopefully they will dos ome time for this. But I am so sorry that this happened to you.

    Your dinner sounds delicious!

  10. Great news that they caught the perps! And, that you are done with the dress & all was approved by the bride.

    1. Is this the never ending circle of hell? I was so happy to see the back of that dress.

  11. This will ruin their lives. With a felon on your record, it is SO hard to get a job, credit, car loans etc.

  12. I went through this at Christmas time ...with our 2 youngest daughters (3 and 4) at 14 and 15 yrs old being the thieves...SO everything the money was not returned (according to our lawyer, the judge and the bank if a family member does the stealing no matter what age the bank doesn't return the money. Our mortgage company held our hand and loaned us the money to cover the overdraft and missing funds. Daughter 2 was working as vault teller at a local bank went with me to file all the papers at our bank and the court house. She told me she thought the baby could get away with murder with me. I said maybe depending on who she killed and why but NO ONE STEALS FROM ME.... Even though they were minors both have had it come up on back ground checks and messed up some of the things they wanted to do as adults. No one got what they were going to get for Christmas because the money wasn't there... FOUR SIBLINGS really laid in to the 2 brats.
