
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Wednesday, progress of a sort

     I was able to get the things done yesterday that I wanted to and even had a super scary hard wedding alteration in for a second fitting and it is going to be okay.  That was a load off my mind.  I just have so many dresses in here and I have to stay on top of dates and times.

     When a dress has to be enlarged it can be difficult to know whether it will fit or not.  So appointments are needed to see if I can even help a situation. I just completed my third fitting on a mother of the brides that I finally got to fit. Second,some of these bridal dresses that come from China are so poorly made and the linings don't fit right.  Then I have to work some magic to get the dress to be wearable.  Not the best work for perfectionist worrier.  I am only a perfectionist about my clients work.  The rest of my life well....

     Today I have a bridesmaid dress to get out and a really hard pageant alteration.  Both are due out this afternoon.  One for a pickup and one for a fitting.  I also have a wedding dress to hem and it is a bear cat of a dress with about 10 layers.  It is like fighting a mad three year old to work on such a dress.

     I was able to get a few things done for the wedding yesterday.  I was able to get the veil, I also picked up more silver at second shops.I just need two more coffee pots and one set of servers (which I hope to borrow)  I also ordered the fishing poles for the kids.

     As I have been so busy in the shop and I have not had time to spend any money I was able to pay the house payment and put $1000.00 extra on the mortgage yesterday. So that is done for the month and so early.  Remember how it would sometimes take me to the final day of the month to squeeze that extra $1000.00 out of the budget?  I want to pay the rest of the months bills sometime today, just so that is done and I don't have to think about it.

     Look the house is below $15,000 and will drop even further when the new payment is reflected. I am still behind to have it paid off by Christmas but I am doing everything I can to reach this goal. By the way if you are saving a penny a day you need to put $61.07 in your bank for the month.  I figure if I am short on the house payoff, I have the $5.00 savings and this savings and my change pig so between the three I just may have to use it all to make the goal.

     I am making meat loaf and baked potatoes and peas for dinner for my friend, have no idea what to do for dessert but I will scare up something, even if it is a cake mix.

     Well I had better get to work. I need to be at the specialist at 1:00.  I have no idea what they are going to say or do and I am really worried.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative. 



  1. I am glad you are doing better(?) and are able to at least sew. I am in awe of your needle skills.
    Just don't do anything right now that is not earning money or absolutely necessary.

    1. That is what I am trying to do. My daughters are here to help me. Hooray!

  2. I was/am a master at making pants longer and putting pockets in pants, with or without a side seam. Of course, the fabric was knit and easy to work with. The only thing I could not enlarge was my wedding dress for my daughter to wear. I wore a sheath, and was slim, whereas my daughter was four inches shorter and a little overweight.

    I don't envy you sewing on the hems for wedding dresses. It is actually easy work but you have to fight your way through layers! I could never even sit near sewing utensils like scissors or a pin cushion for feat I would get something snagged and ruined. I hope you have an ac on high to deal with all this. You are doing so well paying off the house.

    1. Thank you and I actually don't run the air conditioner I can't stand to be even slightly cold.

  3. You are doing a great job slaying the mortgage! I hope your doctor's visit goes well.

  4. I hope you got some good elbow advice from the specialist. Maybe a few painkillers. But not many restrictions on what you can do while it heals.

  5. My goodness, you are so busy Kim it's a wonder you have time to blog. That does not surprise me at all about the Chinese wedding dresses. It's shocking how much cheaper they are able to sell items and cheaper quality would be one of the reasons. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July and be safe! :)

    1. Thanks Belinda, Yes I get quite the low quality stuff in here let me tell you. I am doing fine.

  6. I'm waiting for a full report on your arm...
    I know what my foster sister went through letting out Daughter 2's wedding dress. We had decided if there wasn't enough fabric to let it out we would add ribbon or something in one of her wedding colors before the seems were ever taken out.
