
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tuesday, Gardens are hard

     The garden is producing so much right now and it takes so much of my time.  At least one day a week I have to spend almost the full day, picking and dealing with veggies. I also have hubs take care of some of the produce 1/2 way through the week.  I am so grateful for all the food and it certainly saves us money, but it takes so much time to deal with and I really should be sewing, or so I think.

     Yesterday was no exception. By the time I had all the tomatoes, squash and cucumbers, blueberries, green beans picked I had an entire sink full of produce to deal with, this involved cleaning out the crispers in the fridge and taking what was old to the chickens. We just cannot eat everything fast enough and there are always a few withered tomatoes and cukes. I don't mind feeding the chickens left over old garden produce.

     So now I find 6 apples that need to be eaten and some limp celery.  At the price celery has been I will not waste this.  So before I can even think of sewing I am dealing with produce.

     I sorted and snapped all the beans first and we have enough for two meals this week.  Then I sorted tomatoes to eat fresh and those we will slice.  I also pulled out all the heirlooms to makes Hub's favorite, tomato, cuke, and onion salad.  Got that done and then shredded and drained two larger Zucchini for bread and muffins later.  I kept the two cups of blueberries and I will make muffins today sometime.

     All of this has to be washed and peeled and the chicken scraps are massive.  I froze two gallon bags of cut up tomatoes for winter soups and sauces.  Then I sliced all the small yellow and white zucchini for supper. The last thing I made was an apple, celery, and pecan salad.  So lasts nights dinner was chicken and fried squash and two salads.  It was good and there are enough leftovers for dinner today but to get all this done took me until 3 p.m..  This does not leave a lot of time for sewing.

     I was finally able to get into the shop and finish up a wedding dress and get a few other things ready for tomorrow or this evening.  The littles are here today so not much sewing is going on.  I am waiting for Hubs to get home from reading the paper at the veterans home and then I will go upstairs and make some blueberry muffins. I am also going to make some cranberry scones.  They can bake while we are out on the back deck and the kids play in their wading pool.

     The repairman came and fixed the dryer again, he forgot to make a connection to the part he replaced and then as he was behind he didn't test his work.  He was embarrassed but it happens to all of us.  We work too fast and sometimes things get missed. 

     The bishops wife is coming to get all the wedding supplies and it will be nice when this is over and I can sell all of it on Craigslist. I will be glad to have my back entry to the shop clean again.  It has been stacked with boxes for months.

     What kept you guys busy yesterday?  Do you find your garden wearisome this time of year?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. garden due grow due to poor soil (even after a ton of compost) and floods followed by drought. The Amish that Hubby is working for or with have taken to handing him some veggie or fruit when he is with them for him to bring home. Not enough to can or freeze but good for a meal. Our egg delivery stopped due to chickens not laying. Haven't had eggs for 3 weeks. Hate thinking of buying from the store. I have 3 dozen in frig I am being frugal about using.

    1. You have been sick again and I was so hoping that the new biologic would take care of your symptoms. Hope next year is better weather wise for your garden.

  2. Well if it's too much work, have a smaller garden. lolz
    I didn't plant zuke this year so I feel so free now. Zuke is the killer....

  3. Finally a chance to pop over & visit your blog Kim. Gosh you have been busy - its hard to imagine all that produce when its wintery here. I am just going to read some of your older posts & see all the wedding reports. Keep well my friend xx

    1. You too have been busy creating gorgeous things.

  4. The d*ng squirrels have eaten almost everything this year, so we've had no success. I miss the tomatoes!

  5. No garden for this gal. I am a black thumb! It's homework for me.

    1. I am so happy and proud of you, no car payment. Now get to work.

  6. This time of year really makes me miss my grandma. She had two gardens, and was always giving us buckets of tomatoes and corn. She tried to give us zucchini, but we were not zucchini people. Although we gladly accepted enough loaves of Grandma's zucchini bread to fill the freezer.

    1. Yes zucchini is a strange vegetable. No one really likes it much. We have to coat it with sugar and crap to eat it. But it sure grows fast and furious making us all feel like master gardeners.

  7. It would be good to have a garden for all the fresh produce. I remember my mother toiling over produce with no ac and only canning it. What am I doing? Trying to find a place to live as I only have the motel until 10 am today.

    1. You will find something soon I just know you will.

  8. I gave up gardening a couple of years ago. It was not saving me money. With just the two of us, I just buy what we need on sale. I picked up 2 packages of celery today for $.88 each. I missed that in my ad last weekend. But Hubby saw it in an ad in the paper today. While running another errand, I got 2.

    I hope you get what you need to get done. I am routeing for you!

  9. I sometimes think about giving up the garden. We will eventually move to a smaller house and yard and then we will have a much smaller garden. This one really produces way more than we can eat.

  10. I'm a horrible gardener, but wow to get more veg than can be eaten would be a good thing-if someone came and picked and cleaned for me. Night the parents of the little help in exchange for all the babysitting you do?
