
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tuesday, Look at that number! Look! Look!

     Yes, We are definitely below $10,000, in fact I am going to get that overage this week so we are blow $9,000.  Which essentially is still $9,000 but my mind focuses on the 8. I actually between my inheritance and savings have enough to pay this off.  But I am so afraid I will never get the money back in savings.  It is a temptation of mine to just pay the darn thing off and then put money back.  But will I put money back?  I have so many things going on this fall and I just don't know.

     Also for those of you that are saving a penny a day.  I just put 74.53 into my penny can for the month of September.  Are you up for this? I could also use part or all of this to help speed up the house, but I do want money for Christmas.  Then I think, good grief you are putting out almost $3000 a month to get his house paid off, do you think you will not have any money if you do?  I just have this constant fear of not having enough.  I think the years of debt have damaged my spirit.

I finally got my red/white/blue stuff down, not that it was a lot of stuff, a wreath,and napkins. I do have more fall things, which I have had for years, all given me by my mother.  Anyway it was nice to get this done and have the house cleaned up a bit.  Also something off the list!

These vases were given to my parents as wedding gifts.  They are a weird shade of 50's yellow/green.  I love them.

I also did up the dining room and a few spots in the kitchen, but I plan on getting the back deck done today so I will take pictures for tomorrows blog, (I think), you never know how my day is going to go.

Yesterday I actually got 6 dresses done and today I am going to get at least 4 more done.  It was nice to be able to stop sewing about 4:30 and just say that is it I am done for the day. 

I then did some house work and flipped the summer/fall decor items. Today I am going to sew what I have set up and then, do some weeding in the back yard and finish up the back deck, and maybe the front porch.

Even though I am not out of the woods in the shop my schedule feels lighter.  I feel like I have more time for possibilities.

Well the shop is waiting and I don't get to go do fun stuff until my work is done.  Dang!

So thoughts.... Would you pay off the mortgage if you had the money in savings?  Or would you wait a few more months and just be patient?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Perhaps you could wait until the amount owed is half of what it is now and then pay it off. It won't be quite the chunk out of your savings and yet you will get the thrill of PIF (paid-in-full) sooner than you had planned.

    1. I have also thought about that, great minds think alike.

  2. I was thinking paying half out of savings might be a good boost for you. You would knock out the rest in no time. I have no doubt you will be beefing up the savings once the house is paid for. You've come too far to quit now. You are my hero.

  3. If you fear never putting it back, maybe just using a little of it to pay on the house. However, using savings or inheritance seems out of you comfort zone. So, maybe you should follow your guy and not stress yourself.

  4. I would be patient and continue to pay it off in the current manner. Seems like no matter what my intentions, money does not get put back, once I take it out of savings to use for items such as health insurance premiums, a second tractor, a second garage, or a $5000 house.

    1. Yes, I see the wisdom of this. The $5000 house was a great deal.

  5. Congratulations again, you are in the last bit now. Personally I would be patient and continue to pay off as you are doing now and keep your savings,
    because I am pretty cautious and risk averse and because if an unexpected major expense comes up then I would have that financial 'cushion'and have no need to worry.
    But it's a personal decision and you must do what sits right with you and your feelings.
    Well done!
    J.P. in the UK

    1. I am getting the same advice from everyone so I realize I am just getting impatient. This also gives me the impression that I need to continue to work hard!

  6. No, keep the savings. You will knock off the mortgage in no time at the rate you are going.

  7. I'd probably do half. It would give you a psychological boost and you'd still have half your savings.

  8. Half... I would put half on the mortgage and save the rest. Do not wipe out savings.

  9. I would keep $5,000. in savings for an emergency fund. Then pay the other $4000. on the mortgage. It will give you a psychological boost. It won't be long before I can celebrate with you!!!
