
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Wednesday,Cooking, cleaning, sitting,saving

      I am going through a major wrist flair that started last evening.  By the time I was done working on shortening two mens jacket sleeves I was done.  My left wrist throbbed all night.  It was hard to sleep, I could not even wear my watch.  I have taken ibuprofen this morning and it seems to be a little better.  It is very hard if not impossible to sew when my wrists flair like this.  Hopefully it will abate.

     I was able to get the linen closet cleaned out and I used those space bags and they are great and well worth the money.  They can be reused.  I was able to get two shelves completely cleaned off and put all things I wanted to store on the top shelf.  I also went through all the stocking stuffer and Christmas/birthday things I have purchased through out the year.  I try to buy really good quality things that my kids will use.  I have the two younger girls birthday's done and a good part of Christmas for all three girls.  Stockings are well on there way also. This gives me an idea of what I need to get to complete Christmas. It is so nice to have this done and I divided things into bags for each person, making it easier for me to plan a wrap.

     I still have the wedding dress to hem and I will do that tomorrow, along with pegging the pants. Several more things came into the shop yesterday which I got done yesterday.   This way I can concentrate on the things I plan to do today.

     I am planning on making lasagna and stuffed shells today and that is quite the process.  But it can be done with the littles here. It will also use up two large freezer bags of marinara, and mozzarella that needs to be used. I will send one home with the littles, one will go to my friend for her weekly dinner and 4 small pans will be for our meal and freezer. I feel about lasagna like I do about pie crusts.  It is a pain so you might as well do alot at one time.

     I have to pay bills today sometime, but right now someone needs to go potty.

What are you going to do today?  Any cooking?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.


  1. No cooking but I do have my wrists flaring up after all the cutting and mashing of tomatoes and apples.

    Did the bills today, in line with the new budget , snug but okay.

  2. Thanks for the review of the space bags...I've always wondered if they were worth the money.

    1. They were or are wonderful and very worth the cost. I wish I had tried them a long time ago.

  3. I sure hope your wrist stops flairing soon. I will pay it heals quickly.

    I am making a pork tenderloin with a Hoisin sauce. I have been marinating it all day and Hubby had decided to grill it outside.

  4. I'm waiting on a report to Finnish running as I worked form home this afternoon, but I'm not doing any cooking. Maybe I'll warn ups leftover soup then off to the brewery for a beer and trivia.

    1. That sounds like fun. When trivial pursuit first made its way to popularity, I was in my senior year of college. I was also 8 months pregnant and as hubby was over seas I found a partner in my History professor. We would go once a week to this bar contest and the winning prize was a trip to Hawaii for two. Well we won, but gave it up to the runners up as well ... How could he tell his wife he was going to Hawaii with a pregnant student 30 years his jr.? How could I tell my husband I was going to Hawaii with my professor 30 years my Senior? It written up in the newspaper and got a few good laughs.

  5. I struggled to do anything today. I heated cooked, frozen chicken, sliced a tomato, cooked frozen beans and snaps for Tommy. A short trip to the grocery store wiped me out. October is my month to be ill. I cannot imagine how you sew with a flair in your hands.

    1. I am sorry you are not feeling good. My hands are a little better.

  6. I hope your wrist rests. I sliced a ham, and made a delicious ham and provolone sandwich on ciabatta bread, with pickles and honey mustard. I was too lazy to slice an onion. Did one load of laundry. That's about it.

    1. That sandwich sounds lovely, without the mustard, I am allergic.
