
Monday, November 11, 2019

Monday, Will Kim get something done edition?

     It is a holy mystery I tell you.  How can someone so driven, for so long become so lazy?  I am sitting here in my p.j.'s . It is 10 a.m. The desk I am sitting at is covered in papers and crumbs and trailing crap all around it.  The family room is a mess.  The shop is a mess.  I have not been in the spare bath or bedroom downstairs since the middle of September.  I have completed slob school and graduated with honors.

     I swear I am going to get something done today. I did manage to get all the ironing done Saturday, so I have no excuse not to switch over the winter and summer clothes closets.  When I do this I am going to down size as much as I can convince myself to do. It would be easier if I was not fighting Hubs the whole time.  He does not like change.  He wants it but cannot deal with the steps it takes.  I do not know if this is his condition or his laziness.  I suspect laziness.  It is a disease I am slowly allowing to take over my life and it has to stop.

     We are selling this house in the spring and we have to take steps to get it ready to sell.  The house is too big and too expensive for us to live in.  The yard is enormous and hubs cannot take care of it for much longer. We have made lists for each room.  We have fought over lists for each room.  We still need to do something and make some progress.

     Yesterday after church I came home and made a good breakfast. Schmills and his mom are here for the weekend.  They surprised us. I made Schmills dollar pancakes and eggs, and bacon.  He loved it.  Daughter #2 and I have talked about her and her hubby coming down to help with the house getting it ready to sell. Having a son-in-law here will be incentive for Hubs.

     I also took a 3.5 hour nap yesterday afternoon.  It was lovely.  So I am not sleep deprived as usual, I have no excuse not to get something done.  I made enough dinner last night for tonight so I don't have to cook.  This leaves me the whole day for...... possible getting something..... done.

     I just greeted my first client in my jammies. I am so professional:)

Okay maybe a list will help.

1. get dressed
2. hair/makeup?  I always do better when I clean up (Anyone else do better when this is done?)
3. put away clean laundry
4. make beds
5. clean out my dresser drawers
6. switch winter and summer clothes
7. take excess to good will
8. sew product due out tomorrow
9. Find something else on the to do on the list.

I am going to get dressed now. I think.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. You are not lazy my friend - you are just possibly worn out. I did laugh at your hubby - when I want to clean out cupboards & drawers with his things in - I have to wait til he is not here & then do it quickly. I hide things in the boot of my car & then take them to the Op Shop when he is at work. He would quite easily become a hoarder i am sure if I was not here to (try!!) to keep things a bit orderly. I hope you have a better day - do not beat yourself up when you have a lazy one.

    1. I know I am not lazy, I just need supreme motivation to get anything done now a days.

  2. Sounds like a morning in pj's was in order.

    1. I was dresses by noon. Quite an accomplishment for me.

  3. When I sewed for craft shows, I often got up way too early and sewed in my nightgown, without brushing my hair or brushing my teeth. Two or three hours later, I would eat and get dressed in clothes for the house. If I ever got dressed and went out, I did not want to change back into work clothes. I imagine you are still in recovery from working so hard to pay off the house. You will get your grove back.

    1. I only sewed for one craft show and I stayed up all night doing it also. Then we did not sell a thing. I was done.

  4. I am glad you took a nap yesterday and were still in your pj's this morning. Some days just require it. I know you will get back to your normal whirlwind self but allow yourself a little time off!

  5. Heh, heh! I misread #9 as "Find somebody else to do the list."

    1. Hey if I could do this.... think of the money I could make.

  6. Sometimes your body tells you that it needs to sleep and I'm glad you listened to it. Maybe a few more days of resting are in order?

    Are you planning on staying down in the valley or moving closer to other family once you sell your home?

    1. We do not know. Two of our kids are in the panhandle of Idaho. One in Moscow and one in Spokane heading eventually to Colfax, the other in Twin Falls. So here we are sort of between them. We will see.

  7. Seriously, ENJOY your down time. You have earned it in more than one way. Just go with the flow. You will get your groove back.

    1. I know I will. It just surprises me that I am so content to lay around and get nothing done.

  8. Don't fight it. Enjoy the down time!

  9. When I get overwhelmed, I get lazy too. Then I remind myself that I don't have to do everything at once. I do small bites here and there with something fun in between. It looks to me like you got a lot done yesterday.

    1. I think I am emotionally overwhelmed. Mostly with future plans. We have to take a step forward and I am scared.

  10. You have been driven so hard for so long that your body has cried, "ENOUGH!". Rest, girl, rest. There is no shame in needing a break. From all you have written in your blog, you will be up and running to complete goals again in no time.

  11. When we were looking for a forever home we looked closed to the majority of the girls, then between the boys and girls then out of state for warmer weather because the older we get the more we want to hibernate. Decide on a place (same state but farther from all the kids) that spoke to us. We walked in and knew we were home.
    WRITE out the list you need to do for the sale, then the list you WANT to do for the sale.
