
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tuesday, Last Day of 2019!

     All I can say is wow! what a year! It went by in such a blur. I think mostly because I was so intent on paying off the house.  I worked like a demon ( do demons work?) I am happy to say that I did achieve that goal and I think it was one of the hardest ones I have ever accomplished, short of my double major in college, (computer science, history). 

     I was able to take three nice trips this last year, the most travel I have ever experienced in one year.  Two of them were with my dear Sluggy and Sissie.  I miss them both so much it hurts.  Can't wait to see them again. I also traveled to Cancun with Lil sis and it was so wonderful and beautiful.  I was able to see my niece get married and that was lovely.  Lil sis and I have never traveled together and it was such a good experience.  We plan to do it again. Hopefully we can get Sissie to come along.

     We also saw our youngest daughter married to a great man and she is so happy.  All three of the girls are married to wonderful guys and they are educated and stable.  What more could a mother ask?  I have so much to be grateful for.

     Last night about 7 p.m. Hubs asked if I was going to sit down and I said NO!  I have a list.  I still need to put the china back in the cupboard in the dining room, and I left the kitchen floor for hubs to mop.  There are Christmas linens drying on the line and we have another smaller load ready to take to the storage, then Christmas will be put away and stored.  Of course I found 5 more things that need to go over to Lil sis's.  She comes home tomorrow and I really miss her.

     I need to get to Joanns and  the grocery store. I must do some sewing as people are picking up later this afternoon. We have an older (snort) couple coming over to play games tonight.  He (the spouse) can't make it up the stairs so I am setting up a card table in the family room.  I am sure we will have fun. Need to think about snacks..... hmm have lots of crackers and cheese.

     Have a you any plans for this evening?  Will you stay up a to see the New Year come in?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Replies
    1. I know April. Will this decade be great or roar like the last 100 years ago. I guess developing diligent habits will keep us safe?

  2. Cheers to 2020. I can't imagine how the year will be, but I a hopeful for all the positive possibilities.

    1. Me too. I am looking forward to a great year. Just not having that $1600.00 a month house payment is reason enough.

  3. You have had quite a great year. You have so much to be proud of.
    May 2020 bring you much happiness and may you slow down just a bit and quit being in such a hurry. Enjoy it some!
    Happy new year.

    1. I plan on slowing down a little , because well I can. Happy New year to you my friend.

  4. Here's to 2020! We have no plans really...a roast turkey dinner around 4 ish, then maybe staying up to sip champagne, and see the New Year rung in on the east coast. Mimosas for breakfast tomorrow if there's champagne left.

    1. I am eating cookies off the snack tray for breakfast.

  5. No plans here. I'll probably fall asleep before 2020 arrives. We drove in from Oklahoma today, and I only had 2.5 hours sleep last night.

    1. I hope you do sleep, poor thing. I slept until 11:25 this morning. It was great.

  6. I awoke ill from a nap. I am behind on everything I had to do today. I will stay up until midnight if it kills Happy New Year!

    1. Sorry about that, not a way to start the New Year.
