
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday, Birthdays & Quilting

     Here is my first finished quilt.  It is not perfect, but it is done.  I think it will make a nice gift for some teenager that goes to the local high school as it is the school colors.

     I am onto my next creation.  I am hoping to have at lest 4 quilt tops done by the time Aunty leaves so I really know how this is done.  I don't think I will back them while she is here, but just get the tops done.

         Just so you know the cat gives his approval. This is very important.   Shim likes the colors and was very happy to nap away on the almost finished project.

       Today is my Aunt's 85 birthday and my daughter Franka who passed as a baby was also born on this day. She would have been 35 today.  We are going to celebrate with a girls night out to dinner.  I am so happy to have my Aunt here for this milestone and also my cousin.  We are making good memories.

     Last night I ran to Mc'd's and purchased 2 gift cards and then to the dollar store to get Valentine cards.  When I got home I showed Hub's and told him to write to our eldest's two boys. He asked about our third grandson, Schmills.  I could not believe I had forgotten Schmills! Our eldest grandson has a birthday this week on the 15th, Our eldest daughter on the 13th, and then Franka on the 11th and Valentines day on the 14th.  I think I was just overwhelmed and kept thinking of Danny's birthday and forgot about our Schmills.  So we stopped by Mc d's again on the way to the post office and got a card out to him also.  Kids love to get mail.  I could have taken Schmills up  to him as I have to take my cousin back to the airport tomorrow, but I thought about how excited he would be to actually get mail.

     So today I am going to make a nice bowl of chicken salad and then work on a little sewing, get some laundry done, and continue quilting.

     We have had such a mild winter that there are crocuses blooming in yards and forsythia is popping out. I hate to say anything as I don't want to curse it.

     Thanks to all of you for your encouraging words with Hubs,  I know he will be okay, I just like to feel sorry for myself once in a while.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. That quilt is beautiful. Love the colors and the kitty looks adorable upon it!
    You sure are ambitious. Glad you have your aunt and cousin there with you.
    Enjoy your time together.

  2. I love the quilt. A child the age of Schmills would love getting mail even if it were not McD. In a pinch, I once gave a child not my own, a check. His mother said he had never gotten a check with his name on it and was ecstatic. I thought the poor child would think he got nothing but paper on his birthday. You had every reason to feel sorry for yourself because you know where the burdens will land.

  3. There is no perfect in quilting. Just saying

  4. I know you are not crazy about the quilt colors but it really is pretty

    1. Well it is pretty but where would you put it? Under a bedspread?

  5. The quilt looks great, Kim. And it's cat approved LOL

  6. My kids love getting mail! My parents send cards for Valentine's Day, etc & they love it!

    1. My kids did also, so I will keep sending cards until they are like meh....

  7. It looks great ! you certainly got it done quickly, its lovely that your Aunt is there to pass on her quilting knowledge.
