
Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday, Here we are again....

         Well I was not nearly as productive as I would have liked to have been this last weekend.  I think this case of lazies I have developed over the last 6 weeks might be permanent. I would like to be upset about it , but I just don't care.

     I need Cher to come slap my face and say "Snap out of it!"

     I did go with Lil sis, masked and gloved to a local nursery to buy plants and I have a ton of work ahead of me in the yard.  10 bags of mulch to put out and 4 flats of flowers to put in boxes.

Did I do any cleaning this weekend?  NO!  I think I will have to take pictures of the dog hair balls in all the corners and post them so I can humiliate myself into working on this mess.  I did get a couple of loads of laundry done, so Hubs could have clean skivvies.

It is beautiful out so I have no excuse not to enjoy the sunshine.  Check back to see if Kim has done anything constructive.  I mean honestly, I think I am missing.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I’m about to decide productivity is overrated:)

    1. I think so too. What happened to me? Will we ever get our mojo back?

  2. It is hard to be productive in the current situation. Each day is almost the same as the last. Groundhog day!!

  3. I am back to myself again, after feeling a bit antsy over the weekend. Today, I planted some Heather in a bed, planted some Shasta Daisies in another bed, and am currently on my 3rd, or is it 4th load of laundry. I think the uncertainty is what is getting to me--no knowing if my college kid can be in a classroom by fall quarter, let alone summer, dreading the intrusion of the remote learning into my house. (It's one thing to study and do homework, but allowing the school to intrude into my home, which should be my kids' refuge is a different story's a boundary I don't like violated.)

    1. I can see how you would feel that way. Our 9 year old grandson announced that he was ready to go back to school. I think the monotony is also getting to us. We just want change, or something different.

  4. It's rocky. Today was a very MONDAY type of Monday. Here's hoping you get those dust bunnies cleaned up! :-)

    On the workout front, I always plan for yoga on Mondays, because it's my lowest energy day of the week, and I need something relaxing that I won't just outright reject doing.

    1. Sorry about your Monday, this is going on too long. Have your boys asked to go back to school yet?

  5. I'm being productive in some areas, but I am so frustrated in others.

    1. Well I am trying and then I fail, but at least I am trying.

  6. I don't know what I am anymore and I don't think I care. I just know my makeup and gas are lasting a long long time now!

  7. It felt good to be out Saturday getting some yard work done, but we need so much done! I find it is easier to just work another hour for my job-not healthy I bet, but the yard kicks my butt.

    1. Yard work is good for your body and soul. I have decided that I will do house work at least one hour a day, as I just wold rather be in the yard.

  8. Love the yard work, hate the house work, will have to devise a plan that works for me. So far....

  9. Before all this started, I had certain things I did on certain days. I'm not doing any of those things now, all my days are the same and I cannot keep track of what day of the week it is anymore.
