
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thursday, Whirl wind day, let me tell you.

     Yesterday was like a tornado day, but boy did a lot get accomplished.  I was amazed!  Even though the morning was a fiasco in many ways, things turned out great!

     The babies were here for a little over two hours and they were fun.  I have sure missed them.  Both were really mad when their older sister came to get them.  They did not want to go home, but wanted to stay at Grammi Kims. 

     Our Painter showed up at 10:30 and I only had a gallon and a 1/2 of paint, so I got him started as I watched the kids.  As soon as they were picked up, 4 missionaries arrived and I gave one a roll of painters tape and told him to tape all the rubber molding on the floor and all the door hinges and light fixtures.  The next I gave a screw driver and a small roll of tape and told him to remove all the wall plates and tape the screws to the plates so I could put them back.  The third I gave a hot soapy bucket and a rag and told him to wipe down the walls and spider webs. The 4th had to take things off the walls and move all furniture outside to the hall.  Then I hurried a left for Home depot to get paint.  The missionaries could only stay for an hour, but they got everything prepped and it was lovely.  I returned with paint and they were gone but all my prep work was done.

     Now I did a quick run though of the house, as there was a showing at 1:00.  The painter was done with the entire shop by 3:30 and it looks lovely.  I started to clean up and then realized I would not be able to get many of the things back up by myself.  I think having the shower curtain rod that suspends my curtain for the dressing room fall three times and last time on my head, told me I would need some help.  So what did I do? Headed for Lil sis's.

     This was Lil sis's first day back to her office in 2.5 months. She was not too excited to be my slave for a couple of hours.  Her left foot is still really inflamed from her auto immune disorder.  Actually we were both limping, me from my left hip and her from her left foot. We are quite the pair.  I let her make her self an apple martini and sit on the deck for a while.  I am kind like that.  She took off her shoes and went into her house to get something and heard this huge CRASH/SHATTER.  Scared me to death and I knew she was barefoot.  So I screamed DON'T MOVE!  She was taking a glass out of the cupboard above where she keeps a large glass container of dog treats. We don't know what really happened other than a glass (which did not break) hit the container just right and shattered it.  It was like an explosion. Glass every where.  I had her stand and not move until I was able to get some of it cleaned up.  We live exciting lives.
     At about 7 p.m. we headed to my house and we worked until 9 p.m. putting things back on the walls, then I took Lil sis home.  So grateful for her help.  I knew she was tired and it was a sacrifice for her.  After she left I painted my old  desk that I have had since childhood.  It serves as my sewing table.  The shop was so beautiful and clean and the desk was so dirty and old.  It did not take long.

     I still have a lot of little works tings to complete today, but I can't wait to get in there and get some sewing done. I am not putting many things up on the wall to prevent nail holes and I did get rid of a few things in the shop that I just don't use enough to justify them.

     So today I will get everything done in there and I will take pictures. 

Kim is back to work!

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Wow - such a productive day! Take it easy on yourself today.

    1. I know this left hip is killing me. I don't like to take extra meds but aleve is my friend right now.

  2. I am wondering if you are, in real life a fairy, with all the humming and buzzing around that you do?

  3. Broken glass is one of my biggest fears-i worry that no matter how well I think I have cleaned up, someone bare foot will find it. What a day of business. If I did not work so much, I might actually have motivation-but really, I use that as my excuse.

    1. Well any one that works a full tie job from home deserves and big gold star. That is an accomplishment and hard to do, also I think it is more stressful as you have to maintain focus.

  4. Sometimes I feel exhausted just reading all you accomplish in a day Kim!!

  5. I hate broken glass. No matter how well I cleaned and then vacuumed, I feared on of my children would find it with a bare foot. I had them wear shoes in the kitchen for a few days. Well, if nothing else, your life is exciting. there is nothing like having a crew to help. I hope they need more work to do and can help you.

    1. Yes they have been a blessing let me tell you.

  6. wet paper towels will pick up broke glass that the vacuum will miss. I always shoo the dogs out so they don't nose through it.... you showed the house while the painter was painting? Made me think of the time my brother and his wife were looking for a home and they went to view a home and the owners had just painted. Both of them ended in the ER with asthma and the realtor was scared out of her mind and called 911 over it.

  7. Yes, and the people who looked at it, were sewing clients. That would be scary.

  8. I love the feeling when we get a lot accomplished around our home. Kudos to you! I'm glad you got to see the babies finally! I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures. :)

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