
Monday, June 1, 2020

Monday, June 1st will this month be different?

     Well we started this fiasco the middle of March and now it is June.  What will June hold?  So many plans cancelled and so many changes.  All I can say is we are still here.  Well most of us, as I am not talking about mental changes, that ship sailed long ago.

     I feel like I have been on a hiatus since Christmas and that has to stop.  Lucky for me I have many, many sewing things that have to be out before the end of the week, which will force me to get busy and get back to a regular work schedule.  This is something I have been fighting with everything I am worth.

     I am out of meat in the upstairs freezer so I will need to figure out what is available downstairs. Tonight we are going to have veggies a big salad, (the garden is crazy with lettuce) and a 1/2 bag of shrimp. Hubs has lost 22 lbs. and eats protein and veggies.

     I am so shocked by meat prices right now.  It is just ridiculous.  With this carnivorous diet, we might go broke.  But I think the trade off is better health.  Even trying to buy meat in the 50% off bins is over $5.00 a pound.

I am going to go out this morning and check on the 50% off meat bin.  Then I will hit my sewing machine hard.  I also need to pay bills.  June is going to be a tight month as I need to pay the 1/2 year taxes and a portion of the overly priced house insurance.It will be like having a house payment again.  Blah! 

This is another reason I need to get sewing.  I need the money. Hopefully by tomorrow, I will be able to report that bills are paid and a couple of wedding dresses are done.

I would love to go somewhere in June or July.  But I think June is out financially, unless I hit a payload.

Do you have any plans for June, any of you thinking of travel?  Are meat prices higher where you live?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I paid $1.99 for chicken tenderloins at Aldi. However, only two per customer were allowed. This was the first time Tommy has been in a store so that he could get two also. We are not giving up meat, but I am buying canned meat, too.

    1. The cheapest meat I can find here is shrimp, can you believe that?

  2. Hello, I shudder to even think what may be ahead.

    I haven’t needed to buy meat as I stocked up before the covid got really bad.

    I paid our yearly house insurance this weekend- Oklahoma has crazy high rates because of tornadoes, fires and ice storms.

    Hope you found some meat bargains

    1. Well the chicken tenderloins wrapped in bacon wee awful and I have another package....

  3. I don't need meat for ages. I have both frozen and shelf stable. I did notice chicken is still very reasonably priced. I noticed when I went to the store last week that pork was low in inventory on the shelves - everything else was fine.

  4. Chicken is fine here. Beef is crazy expensive. I about passed out when I glanced at the ground chuck the other day. Pork is hard to find, so I don't even look anymore. .. All of my travel plans were canceled. I'm heading to the hospital in a couple weeks for a knee replacement, so there goes the rest of my summer. And now the riots have come here and destroyed many of the businesses that were just allowed to reopen. This year is like living in the Twilight Zone.

    1. Knee surgery is no joke, I am sorry, I wish I was there to help you.

  5. Husband went to the store yesterday when I was having my anxiety issue, and bought a lot of crap. No deals, but then there are no deals. I'm heating up this and that and calling it dinner. June has to be better than May, April, and March!

  6. My daughter says that meat prices is ridiculous in Missouri.

  7. Hi Kim!
    Meat prices are crazy.
    No travel plans for us.
    I am staying close to home.
    So much going on right now!
    HAve a cozy evening!

  8. I am hoping for a quieter June with a little less drama.

    1. Yes you could use less drama, couldn't we all?

  9. I am afraid to look ahead for fear I will find the zombie apocalypse and an alien invasion

    1. Well you need to watch all the zombie shows so you will know how to deal.

  10. We are trying to go carbless and the meat, eek! I did order form the farm though which gave me maybe 30% off retail prices and its good quality but all the same, darn!

    1. We will have to go to southern Idaho and get some meat.

  11. you boomers turned America into a fascist police state and now the younger generation is rising up against YOUR FASCISM. Good luck getting us to pay taxes to support your retirement. I guess you boomer scumbags can go blow your brains out

  12. I have the same spam comment as you. The bots are getting crazy these days. How original to build a bot to copy & paste hate all over the internet.

    We are heading to the Oregon coast in a few weeks. My husband will come back & forth a bit to have some construction done on the house (perfect timing, when we are all out of their hair) & I'm really looking forward to the change of scenery.

    Meat is super pricey where we are as well. Our freezer is reasonably stocked, so I'm hoping to avoid buying much between now & when we leave. That does mean we will need a big stock up when we get there, however. Not sure what the prices will be like there.

    1. I am so craving a trip to the coast, might just pull one off in July.

  13. I've been totally shocked at grocery prices lately. However, we are not big meat eaters, so we focus more on vegetarian proteins like beans and grains to fill out our meals. June is the month where I am going to be more focused to cut down on grocery spending which has been out of control in our household.

    1. It is kind of scary but I am sure this will not last forever. I love beans but with hubs too many carbs.

  14. Today I traveled to Indy for a little grandma duty and right now I am in line to vote and hoping it goes fast because I need to travel home to pee!

    1. I know all about that having to get home to....

  15. Over $7/ lb for 73/27 hamburger... beans are down to $4/ lb yes I said down.
    Not planning anything... hope to see Grandson before he goes to boot camp since we didn't get to see him or our other granddaughter graduate. Have another great grandson that was just born, he will probably be crawling before we see him. I don't want to even think about never seeing Daddy as he is in the nursing home and they are not opening up. He is 93 and has sever dementia... I am thankful he can't remember us and think we have abandoned him. ...House insurance is $3000 a year in cash Add $600 more if we paid in payments

  16. Wow, that is outrageous. Where do you live?

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